Using the defensive lineman just got a lot easier in Madden 21, as one of the most positive changes to the franchise has been the expansion of the skill stick. Traditionally reserved for running backs, the defensive lineman and linebackers who line up for the passing run can now use a defense-based skill stick to get rid of the opposing offensive lineman.
Traditionally, players had to hit A / X or Square / Triangle to execute a move on an offensive lineman in Madden. However, this method was not used much by Madden players, especially high-level players. Most Madden users have ignored the use of a defensive lineman and have traditionally gone for a linebacker or safety. That could change with this new addition, however.
To use the new skill key, you must first learn the commands. The right stick for Xbox and PlayStation is the stick used for the defense skill stick. During the game, when trying to beat an offensive lineman, you will have a number of options available to you. You can attempt a rip on an offensive lineman, and to do so move the right stick up. To perform a bull run, move the right joystick down. You can also attempt a club or swim over an offensive lineman. Typically, power pass throwers with club, swim and bull movements. Finesse players, on the other hand, perform well with tears and rotational movements, which can be performed by rotating the right joystick clockwise or counterclockwise. To find out which players are power or finesse players, look at their Power Move and Finesse Move ratings.

The success of using the skill stick also depends on these two factors: the budget of the pass rush and the offensive tackle and resistance bars. The budget pass rush is a series of bars that you will see above a pass rusher. The more bars filled, the more likely the player is to beat the offensive lineman. Once the bars are empty, you will not be able to drill until the bars are full. As for the resistance bars, these are the orange bars that you will see at the feet of an offensive lineman. There are two bars you see: one for the left side of the lineman and one for the right side. The more orange bars the lineman has, the harder it will be to beat in that direction.

Our recommendations for using the skill stick are to follow a few guidelines. First of all, don't continuously use the skill stick during a game. If a player sees that you continue to use the defensive line, the more they will try to fight you with passes, as it will seem like you are playing for a sack, rather than an incompletion or an interception. While it can backfire if you're smart, it will explode in your face if you're constantly using the stick. Use some variety when playing defense: on some games, use your linebackers or safeties. On other occasions, use a defensive lineman. If you do this, you can try to catch the opponent off guard by making yourself unpredictable.
Second, it is important to use variety when using the skill stick. If you use a certain movement, like a club or a swim, over and over again, the lineman will start to build memory and expect that movement. To avoid this, use different movements. Try to use a club set one, and a tear on another set. And be sure to keep an eye out for the orange bars. This way you will see which side the opposing lineman is weak on and take advantage of it.