Borderlands 3 is slated for release at the end of the week worldwide. At launch, players will embark on this ridiculous story trying to collect as many weapons as possible to blast their enemies. But from start to finish, how long will the entry take for some people?
How long does Borderlands 3 last?
To date, only a handful of expert advice websites have been able to get their hands on Borderlands 3 ahead of its official release this Friday. Their answers vary, but they give a rough idea of how long this game will take. Two of the big writing sites that have done this, IGN and Gamespot, both agree that players can expect the whole story to take them around 30 hours to complete the main content. .
However, if players make an effort to complete all side quests and out-of-game focus, they can expect to extend the timeframe by 50 to 60 hours. Secondary content isn't an in-game joke, according to the authors. Those who took 30 hours to complete the game only did a handful of lighter things, only wanting to work on those things, if they felt they were being dumped for the main content.
This timeline shouldn't come as a surprise to too many die-hard Borderlands Fans. The games are infamous for letting players run through it over and over again, battling more powerful enemies and more advanced versions of minion monsters. We can expect future DLCs and add-ons to push these numbers even further with the subsequent release.
Hope for those who love the Borderlands games, the new game plus in-game keeps you satisfied until the new DLC content is released.
Borderlands 3 officially releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via the Epic Games Store on September 13.