Paladin and Shaman are not a mixture of classes. I thought it would work as well, but you have several fantastic options with the buckets they offer (think board reload ability and Jambre hand paladin reload in Constructed with easy access to Bloodlust). In addition to the usefulness of this essential class mix, Finley also has an incredible number of options for Hero Powers, Treasures, and Starter Decks (unlocked at 8 wins, 16 wins, and 24 wins for the Random option).
Hearthstone Tombs of Terror: Sir FInley's Panne
Let's start with the decks:
Murloc Crusade is the base deck, and it's a really good deck with a low curve and an easy ability to flood the board, without being locked into a theme so you can choose whatever you want as you go along.
Powerful morphing is a much more asymmetrical Shaman game with a mix of card generation, hand buffing, and cards like Evolve. It's all over the place. I am not a big fan.
Back to action is the final game, with a sticky minions theme with effects like Reborn and cards like Ancient Spirit and Spirit Echoes, with a side of healing effects. It's a very solid bridge, although much slower than Murloc Crusade.
Heroes' powers are also strong:
New recruits": 2 mana, summon a 2/1 Amalgam Explorer (it has all creature types, like Nightmare Amalgam).
Bubble blower: 1 mana, Discover a shaman or paladin servant with Battlecry. Overload (1)
Power Up !: Give a minion Divine Shield and Windfury.
The three big options, with Bubble Blower, probably the weak link; it is a repeatable burn summon.
Finally, Finley's treasures:
Finley's Pith Helmet: 2 mana, give all allied minions +2 life, shuffle this card into your deck.
Maxwell, Mighty Steed: 3 mana 3/5 minion with Rush, Reborn and has +2 attack for each minion on the battlefield.
Real Lance: 3 5/1 mana weapons with Lifesteal and after overloading gain +2 durability.
Scout Jr .: 3 mana 4/4 minion with Charge, WIndury, and at the end of your turn, deal 4 damage to a random enemy minion.
Karl the lost: 5 mana 6/6 minion with Battlecry: Summon six recruits from 1/1 silver hand and give all friendly minions Taunt and Divine Shield.
Balance of justice: 4 mana spell, turn all minions into 1/1 Murlocs. Fill your hand with random Murlocs that cost 0.
Finley's treasures, in particular, are insane, and some synergize with his weaker options to make them more appealing (like Truesilver Lance making Bubble Blower much better). I can't wait to test it against the next three acts of Tombs of Terror.