![[Guide] | Red Dead Redemption 2 All Hunting Requests](/images/posts/2252f5d686bd0c71db2d3b12b5fa16ba-0.jpg)
Red Dead Redemption 2 has 5 different hunting requests. In order to prune them all, and take one more step towards 100% completion of the game, you will need to get perfect carcasses. In this guide, you will find all the indications on how to obtain this result, as well as those necessary to find the animals that will be required.
Out of the 5 hunting requests mentioned above, four will be available during Chapter II, while the last one will only unlock once it reaches the Epilogue. However, despite what has now been said, it will be difficult to complete these side quests without the help of the Dead Eye. The ability in question, in fact, once you reach Chapter 6, will give you the opportunity to identify the critical points of your target, making your work much easier.
For this very reason, we recommend that you only deal with hunting requests when you have completed the main plot of the game. Don't worry about the order in which you will execute them: the posters that you will find outside the post offices, in fact, will all indicate the same quest. Only after you have completed it will you unlock the next hunting request.
The purpose of hunting requests is to kill an animal marked with a 3-star rarity, you will have to kill it with the indicated weapon, and the carcass itself must be in excellent condition. The three-star rating, however, will be completely random, while the carcass can only be perfect when you kill with a single shot directed at a weak spot and with the indicated weapon.
The animals in question will only appear in certain places, which we will indicate in our guide.
How to get perfect carcasses in Red Dead Redemption 2
First, you will need to buy bait from a trap seller or general store. Buy 99 of them, because you'll wear them out at the speed of light. Next, get a Varmint Rifle from a gunsmith (provided you don't already have one, of course). Once this is done, take the hunting request poster, go to the designated areas and set a trap in an area as far away from the streets as possible, trying to position yourself in an area from which you will have a clear and unobstructed view. Position yourself at least 20 meters from the bait and wait.
As soon as you see an animal coming, press the R1 button and start studying it with binoculars. Press the R1 button again to observe its rarity level, which should be 3 stars. If the animal's rarity is lower than the indicated level, start your search again, knowing that it may take a long time, but sooner or later you will succeed.
As mentioned above, you will also have to make a clean kill, i.e. with a single shot of your weapon. In order to succeed as mentioned above, you must first have passed the mission "Goodbye, Dear Friend" in Chapter 6. After this moment, in fact, you will unlock a skill that will allow you to highlight and aim at the weak points of your opponents that, in the case of animals, will always match either the heart or the head.
Finally, the carcass of your prey must be in excellent condition. To achieve this, you will have to kill the animal with the weapon indicated by the poster, because a caliber too large would damage the body, while one too small would not even be able to kill it. In most cases, however, the Varmint Rifle will be the most suitable weapon, except in the case of the beaver, which requires the standard arrows.
As soon as you have made the kill, check the carcass: if it matches the quality described, go to a post office immediately before the body starts to decompose and send it to Miss Hobbs. If it is a small animal, you can put it back in your saddlebag, otherwise you will have to carry it on horseback. You should know that the completion of these 5 hunting requests may take you even more than 20 hours to complete, but with a little patience, you will succeed.
Hunting request 1
Place to find the poster: Valentine Post Office
Animals required:
- Squirrels (3 stars of rarity) = as well as rabbits, squirrels can be found in many areas of the game map. You can find them in large quantities especially in the top right corner of the New Hanover map. In this case, you have to lure them with herbivorous animal bait, wait for a specimen with three rarity stars, and kill it with a single shot of small arrows or Varmint Rifle;
- Adult Rabbits (3 stars of rarity) = this type of animal is the most common to find in Red Dead Redemption 2 . You can find them at will at the top of the map of New Hanover. The weapon you have to use to kill them is the Varmint Rifle;
Hunting request 2
Place to find the poster: Strawberry's Post Office.
Animals required:
- Red Cardinals (3 stars of rarity) = these birds will be found in the area around Flat Iron Lake. Be very careful, because the Red Cardinals will tend to fly away the moment they notice your presence. Use the Varmint Rifle or small arrows to kill them with one shot;
- Rats (3 stars of rarity) = these animals can be found in the areas of Saint Denis harbour. They won't be easy to attract, so be prepared to use a good number of bait. Rats will also be present in the surrounding woods but due to their small size, they will be quite difficult to spot. Kill a rare specimen with small arrows or the Varmint Rifle;
- Woodpecker (3 stars of rarity) = this type of bird is the most common to encounter, especially in the northernmost area of the game map. Kill a rare specimen with small arrows or the Varmint Rifle;
Hunting request 3
Place to find the poster: Rhodes Post Office.
Animals required:
- Chipmunks (3 stars of rarity) = these animals are very similar to squirrels, and will also appear in the same areas but are much rarer than the latter. Kill a specimen using the Varmint Rifle or small arrows;
- Opossum (3 stars of rarity) = Opossums are animals that are not easy to come across, and will only appear in certain areas of the map, such as the northernmost area of Ambarino, near the river (the one between the "R" and the "I", so to speak). The weapon you'll need to use to kill it is the Varmint Rifle;
- Rigogolo (3 rarity stars) = Rigogolo is a rather rare bird to encounter, and will only appear in certain areas of the game map, such as the coastal area of Flat Iron Lake between the mouths of Red Dead Redemption 2 the two rivers. You will have to kill one with the Varmint Rifle;
- Robin (3 rarity stars) = again, the animal in question will only appear in certain areas of the game map, including the area south of Rhodes and the area west of Annesburg (the area around the river, for example). Kill a specimen with the Varmint Rifle or alternatively with the small arrows;
Hunting request 4
Place to find the poster: Post Office of Saint Denis.
Animals required:
- Nightingale (3 stars of rarity) = this type of bird is one of the most common birds you will find in Red Dead Redemption 2 . You may come across one of them potentially anywhere on the game map; however, to be sure, try to look for them in the area North - West of Rhodes, near Flat Iron Lake. Kill one with the small arrows or the Varmint Rifle;
- Sparrow (3 stars of rarity) = sparrows will also appear more or less everywhere on the game map, but to be sure look in the area south of Rhodes. Kill one of them using the small arrows or the Varmint Rifle;
- Toad (3 stars of rarity) = the toads, due to their nature, will appear only near lakes, rivers, ponds, or islands, like the one west of Rhodes. Kill a specimen using the small arrows or the Varmint Rifle;
- Moffetta (3 rarity stars) = these animals will appear quite frequently during our adventures, but they will be concentrated in the northern areas of the game map, such as those in North-East Annesburg. Kill one of them using the Varmint Rifle;
- Bullfrog (3 stars of rarity) = be careful not to confuse these animals with the toads mentioned above. Again, however, your prey will be in the vicinity of bodies of water, like the one you will find on the peninsula south of Van Horn. Kill a specimen using the Varmint Rifle or small arrows;
Hunting request 5
Place to find the poster: Van Horn Post Office.
Animals required:
- Cedar Waxwing (3 stars of rarity) = also in this case, it is a bird, which you can find either in flight or sitting on the branch of a tree. You will find several specimens in the area east of Strawberry, near the mouth of the river. Kill a specimen using the Varmint Rifle or small arrows;
- Bat (3 stars of rarity) = it goes without saying that the only place you will find bats is inside a cave, like the one you will find behind the Elysian Pool waterfall. As usual, you will have to kill three bats with small arrows or the Varmint Rifle;
- Blue Acorn (3 stars of rarity) = these blue-feathered birds will be quite common near watercourses, especially on the banks of the river south of Valentine. You will have to kill one of them using the small arrows or the Varmint Rifle;
- Crow (3 stars of rarity) = luckily, this is a very common bird trade to find. You can find them in large numbers in the areas south - east of Rhodes and on the bridge west of Saint Denis. As usual, you will have to kill a specimen with small arrows or the Varmint Rifle;
- Beaver (3 stars of rarity) = as you may have guessed, you will only come across these animals near rivers. Look for them near the river west of Van Horn, or in the lake west of Strawberry. Kill one with the Repeater Rifle or standard arrows;
As soon as you have a perfect carcass, do not hesitate to send it to Miss Hobbs. As soon as you have collected all of them, the woman will send you an invitation to her house, where she will give you a stuffed squirrel, an object necessary to obtain the trophy "This is also art".