We tested the demo of God Eater 3 to Nintendo Switch, porting of the hunting game of Bandai Namco due out next month.
A good introduction to the game
After welcoming us with the animated opening e character creation, the demo introduces us to the central hub of the game.
From here we can choose our equipment, having a good taste of what the level of customization will look like within the game, start one of the seven missions available, create a multiplayer session and change various settings.
The first four missions feature the main mechanics of combat, such as the method of attack, the Burst Mode which gives access to the Burst Arts, i Throttle Triggers and Active Attack mode.
The last three missions will instead ask us to kill more and more powerful Aragami, automatically providing us with others 3 CPU-controlled allies in case we were alone.
Personalization and multiplayer compartment
During the demo we have access to all the options for creating our character and a selection of clothes.
We can also use any of the eight melee weapons and four types of rifles featured in the full game. We will not be able to modify the Burst Arts supplied with each weapon, but we will have the possibility to modify the secondary effects. For each shotgun instead we will have available four types of elemental bullets and a healing ammunition.
Through the options we can finally modify some game controls, such as the key combinations needed to perform certain actions, the camera and the D-Pad function. We can change too the language of dubbing, the volume of the various dialogues and the appearance of some pop-ups with various information during the missions.
Unfortunately this demo allows you to play only in local multiplayer, but the full game will give us the ability to play online as well.
Game performance
During the demo the framerate it has always held steady a 30 fps, on par with the PlayStation 4 version.
To achieve this result it was however necessary to make some sacrifices in the graphics sector. While the overall aesthetic of the game is identical to the other platforms, in portable mode the resolution remains on 600p, with the outlines of the various models slightly grainy. In docked mode the situation improves, reaching a resolution of about 900p.
Finally the uploads, present at the beginning and at the end of each mission, are positioned around 11-12 seconds, against the 5-6 of the PlayStation 4 Pro.
Final opinions
According to what we could see from this demo, Bandai Namco has managed to successfully bring God Eater 3 to Nintendo's small console, sacrificing in part only the image resolution and loading times.
While we await the release of the full game on July 12, we remind you that you too can already download the demo on your Switch via the Nintendo E-Shop. Also, by pre-ordering the game now, you'll have access to gods upon exit exclusive costumes based on Tales of Vesperia.