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God of War,the mythological saga of Hack’nSlash, is an action and adventure video game created by SCE Santa Monica is the fifth title in the saga that arrived in Spain on April 20, 2018. It was Awarded Best PS4 Game of 2018, PS4 Most Shared Game of the Year 2018 and PS4 Most Discussed Game.
Available: Play Station 4
Gender: Action-adventure
Players: One player
Launch date: 10 April 2018
God of War Trailer + Game Images
The game contains high doses of gore, violence and a tremendously worked but of course adult story. But dont think that God of War takes that base, blood and violence, as its main claim. Not at all. Its just an addition to the story, but the real fabric of the plot will be Kratos relationship to his son Atreus. Here is the official trailer to help you understand the plot a little more:
Having survived the final fight against their father, Kratos and Atreus now live in the world of the Nordic Gods, a hostile land inhabited by fierce monsters and warriors. Kratos will have to act as a mentor and protector to his son, and he will have to master the anger that he had for many years and tie up loose ends. Here are some images from the game to help you get to know him.
Tricks to earn EXP or experience points in God of War
Experience points (EXP) are not according to Kratos’ level. They are used as a “coin” with which you can buy the skills you unlock as you level up (thus improving your equipment and armor and getting better features than your opponents). Here are a few points to make winning EXP easier.
- Fighting and defeating enemies. The stronger they are or the harder it is to defeat them, the more EXP they will leave us. You will know that they are stronger because their life bar will be purple.
- With the help of the canoe, explore the map whenever you can without following the main mission. This will allow you to go to new areas where you will find new enemies and variations such as new optional missions and tasks. Some of them will give you EXP if you complete them.
- Lake of Nine: You can get there by canoe. You will find buildings that look like temples. Near its entrance, you may find the so-called “kingdom breaches”, floating spots that release some powerful enemies if you touch them. Knock them down and you’ll gain EXP.
- Exploring will bring you into contact with spirits or ghosts, who will ask you for “favors“. If you complete this type of task, you will get EXP.
- On the main menu, go to the “Goals” tab. There you will find missions of various types and some can reward you with EXP if you complete them.
- As you explore the scenarios, you’ll find crystals similar to those dropped by enemies when they die, but larger in size. If you look closely, these crystals change color. If you look closely, these crystals change color. If they are white, you will gain a small amount of experience.
Here is a video that explains how to gain more experience very easily:
How to win more Silver and Gold at God of War
Silver, gold and steel, like the EXP, also do not have a mile-long guide to getting them. However, there are some guidelines for you to earn more silver and gold in God of War. You will need these and many more materials and resources to upgrade your equipment or buy new pieces. Here are a few points to make it easier for you to earn silver and gold.
- Defeat all your enemies (optional included). Many of them will drop small brown bags with silver inside. Note also the many corpses that populate the stages. Some have silver and others have collectibles.
- Destroy anything you see (handles, tables, pulleys, tree bodies, small rock mounds). Blow up anything you see that is sensitive because it often hides silver.
- You can sell the objects that are part of the discovery sets (whether you have them complete or not). In the Dwarfs shop you can sell them and get more money.
- You can also get more silver and gold without getting out of the canoe. If you look, there are some areas of the water that have striking golden shines: if you approach and explore the water, you will pick up gold. You will get the silver if you “run over” the barrels you see in the water with the canoe.
Here is a video that shows, in a very visual way, how to get more gold and silver in God of War.
How to defeat the Valkyries
If you’ve made enough progress, you may have come across some Valkyrie. Well, you should know that there are a total of 8 and that if you finish all of them, you can get the Judgment of the Fallen trophy. If you want to get it, here are some characteristics of the Valkyrie and some tips to face them and be victorious:
- In combat against these special enemies, it is especially useful to lock onto your target with R3 so you can keep an eye on them when they make all sorts of quick moves and move through the air
- Although it is not mandatory, try to be equipped with a resurrection stone in case a Valkyrie gives you trouble.
- If they jump in the air and you see a red aura attack, don’t think that by walking away you are safe. They are usually attacks that cover a lot of distance and area that cannot be blocked. Instead, shoot arrows with Atreus and you will cancel their attack. In general: If they are in the air, don’t lose any detail, because that’s when they make the worst attacks.
- Their charging attacks, in which they charge, usually go in a chain. Be prepared to dodge two to three repeated attacks.
- Pay attention to their element. Some Valkyries use ice, which means they can always blind you with a strong attack.
- Ground combos are longer than they look. And they have a bad habit of ending up in attacks like the short distance fist/stab with a wing, unstoppable.
- The last attack of most combos leaves the Valkyrie sold out, is easy to dodge by being slower and allows you to get on their back.
- Blinded Valkyries can be interrupted by periodic attacks, or by staying as far away from the attack as possible. Keep in mind that the flash of melee attacks usually comes in combos of two.
- They always fall back after a couple of hits, so don’t get too excited. Get the maximum number of hits you can land on that Valkyrie and then retreat before mounting a counterattack.
Here is a video explaining how to defeat these animals:
Analysis of God of War
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