The Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) had inflicted a fine of 100 million euros to Google for abuse of dominant position, prohibiting the interoperability of Enel X's JuicePass app with Android Auto. The Mountain View company announced today that it has presented appeal against the decision.
Google does not consider the fine to be fair
The post published by Google on the official blog explains the reasons why the app JuicePass was not accepted on Android Auto. The goal of the service has always been to show the apps installed on the smartphone on the infotainment system screen, minimizing distractions. This happened first of all following the indications of the various institutions (European and national). Google also required developers to adhere to app design guidelines.
When Enel X filed the complaint with the AGCM, the category of electric vehicle charging app was not yet available on Android Auto. By the way, at the time (2018), the number of electric vehicles in Italy was very low, so Google had prioritized other types of apps (streaming and messaging). He later published the guidelines for charging apps, asking ad Enel X to use the new reference model. Unlike other companies, Enel X refused the invitation.
The Mountain View firm claims that, despite good intentions, AGCM has issued one fine of 100 million euros for abuse of dominant position. On that occasion, Google had claimed to be disagree with the decision and that he would evaluate the next steps. Today he announces that he will file an appeal:
We care about the ecosystem of Italian innovation, as well as the future of mobility and sustainability in the country. But forcing ourselves to prioritize services tailored to the specific requests of a company, at the expense of the attention required for the safety, preferences and needs of motorists, cannot be the right solution for the ambitious objectives that the Italy has placed itself in these sectors. We are constantly working with regulators and will continue to do so, but we strongly disagree with the AGCM's conclusions. Consequently, today we will appeal against this decision.
Source: Google Fine for Android Auto: Google appeals