While browsing the web with a smartphone, it is possible to encounter misleatheng advertisements that can automatically activate subscriptions on the telephone line (the so-called VAS), without any request for confirmation from the user.
This practice is still very widespread, making unsuspecting users spend a lot of money every month (who often find that they are subscribers only after a long time).
In this guide I'll show you how to deactivate unwanted subscriptions on smartphones and mobile phones for the main operators and in adthetion a few tricks to avoid falling victim to these very expensive subscriptions.
How to deactivate unwanted subscriptions on smartphones
How to deactivate expensive subscriptions
If you have received the fateful SMS inthecating the activation of a paid service, it is usually sufficient to send a reply SMS with the text NO or STOP to immediately stop the subscription.
The money is often already subtracted from your remaining credit, but this way you will avoid other charges.
Alternatively, you can deactivate expensive subscriptions using the methods proposed below for each operator.
- You can contact assistance at 119 free of charge and start the procedure to speak to an operator (currently keys 4, 2 and 6 must be pressed one after the other). Who will answer you just ask to deactivate all the VAS already active.
- Another remedy is to send an SMS to 119 with the message “VAS services deactivation”. Sentheng the message is free and after a few minutes you will receive confirmation of the deactivation.
- On the TIM website, simply access the MyTIM area at the top right and then go to the Services> Content and Internet services menu and finally click on thesable.
- You can contact 190 and start the procedure to speak to an operator (currently keys 1, 4 and 4 must be pressed one after the other). Who will answer you just ask to deactivate all the VAS already active.
- On the Vodafone website, simply access the Do it yourself area and select the menu Active Promotions, then expand the menus where the various active services are present, deactivating the useless or expensive ones. Finally, go to the Cost control> Digital services menu (in the left sidebar) to thesable any service that is still active.
- If you are Wind you can contact 155, while if you are 3 you can contact number 133; as soon as you are able to speak to an operator, ask to deactivate all the VAS paid services active on your line.
- Alternatively, you can deactivate the subscription services by sentheng an SMS containing the STOP message to numbers 48048 (Info SMS) and 48005 (Info MMS).

How to block subscriptions and get your money back
Once you have deactivated all active services, you can prevent this problem from happening again by blocking any type of VAS, so as not to have to manually deactivate again.
If you have not already done so, you can ask your telephone company operator to block all VAS numbers and services.
The numbers you need to call are as follows:
- TIM: 119 (keys 4, 2 and 6)
- Vodafone: 190 (keys 1, 4 and 4)
- Wind: 155 (keys 2, 1 and 3)
- 3: 133 (1, 2 e 9)
You can also request reimbursement of the costs incurred for the VAS from the operator, so as to try to recover any money spent.
Are there operators immune to subscriptions?
If you are wondering if there are operators immune to this type of subscription, the answer is yes: virtual operators cannot activate VAS on their numbers, so using one of these operators there is nothing to deactivate or block, because they are already immune to this type of subscription.