The parasol can be purchased from the Ishgardian Restoration Scripts Vendor.
If you ignored your gatherers and artisans in Final Fantasy XIV, I have bad news for you - you'll need them if you want to equip yourself with a fancy new umbrella. The umbrella is locked into the Ishgardian catering business, and if you want to purchase the item, you will need to contribute. To unlock the activity, you must have completed Heavensward's “Litany of Peace” MSQ quest and have a combat class of 60, so if you haven't quite completed the Song of the War arc of the dragons in Heavensward, you will have to do it. A complete guide to unlocking Ishgardian Restoration can be found here, but it's not cosmic once you've cleared the requirements.
Once the activity has been fully unlocked, you have two ways to earn parasol scripts. The first method is to check with Potkin and see what artifacts are needed. If you have an artisan at least level 10, their tab will be accessible, and you just need to look at what's listed there. Each item will have a script reward next to it, and the higher the level of the profession, the better the rewards (or, to be frank, you'll want to actively upgrade your craftsman to earn scripts faster). These recipes will require a range of materials, but the majority are from the new Tiara for Gatherers.
Which brings me to the second method: go to the tiara with a picker and harvest the material until your eyes bleed. This is the easiest way to earn scripts, but also the slowest at lower levels. There is a bonus to this method though: you can use these rugs on your craftsman to fulfill command requests for more scripts.
If you combine the two methods, you'll quickly level up your Gatherer and Craftsman, and find yourself swimming in scripts. You need 1800 to purchase the Umbrella, which might seem intimidating at first, but I have one final piece of good news if you don't want to upgrade a Craftsman or Gatherer in Final Fantasy XIV: Ishgardian Restoration levels those classes with insane ease, so getting the umbrella won't be as painful as you might imagine. Keep following it and you will have the required number of scripts in no time. You can also try your luck with the Kupo of Fortune Tickets, or buy it from the Market Board, but scripts will still be the easiest way to get an umbrella / umbrella.