How to get back to the battle simulator after the game
Beating Final Fantasy VII Remake gives you access to the chapter selection feature, which is a great way to replay the game in any different order you want. One of the best challenges that you can go back and complete is new battles in the battle simulator as well.
You might think you need to select Chapter 16 and start all over again until you reach the Battle Simulator, but that's not the case. Instead, you want to select Chapter 17 which begins in the room with Aerith saying her connection to the place. From there, leave the room and follow the only path you have until you come to an elevator. Take it to the next floor and exit into the main area and beat all the enemies in the room.
Once the enemies are defeated, Barret and Red XIII will have cleared the stairs, allowing you to go up them and talk to Chadley. He will tell you about the new battle simulator and mention that you can do it on mobile as well. This only refers to the VR sims versus the summon, but what we want is outside of the Chadley menu.
Rather than going down the hallway to the elevator with the waypoint, you want to go through the door that Chadley is standing behind. In this room you will find a vending machine and a rest stop, as well as an access door to the combat simulator. This door can blend in with the dark walls here, so be careful and you will find it. Now you will have several new challenges exclusive to hard mode, as well as an Aerith challenge which can also be performed outside of hard mode.