Genshin Impact constellations are unlocked by shooting duplicate characters (main character excluded).
Forget the 5 stars, you will shoot different Genshin Impact banners for duplicates. Constellations are powerful passives that dramatically change how a character's skills work, and while we don't yet know how important they will be late in the game, it's safe to assume you'll want at least two for them. overcome the challenges ahead. .
Aside from the main character, each character's constellations are locked behind an object (“Memory…”) unique to each, and the only way to earn “Memory” is to remove a duplicate from one of Genshin's banners. Impact (called “Wishes”) At stake). You can also wait for a character to appear for sale in Paimon's Bargains for Starglitter, but to earn this currency you have to - wait for it - invest in sweaters.
Fortunately, you'll be able to mine for up to 20 free draws per month (not counting any Primogems earned in the game), but the low drop chance for characters in these banners means you're not likely to get the exact character. that you want. . In a way, burning prints for Starglitter and praying that the character whose constellation you are trying to level appear in the store is the cheapest way to create duplicates.
The main character's constellations, however, are unlocked in-game. Their “memories” are earned either from story quests, as Adventure Rank rewards, or purchased from in-game souvenir shops. Each element has its own constellation, and an appropriate "Memory" element. Anemo (Wind) “Memory” can be purchased in Mondstadt for 225 Anemo Sigils and Geo (Earth) “Memory” in Liyue for 225 Geo Sigils.
Seals can be found in chests, as dungeon rewards, quest rewards, etc. As you play the game, explore the world, and upgrade your Adventure Rank, you will accumulate Seals. The shop has other items, but these should be ignored until you have purchased all of the available "souvenirs". Since the main character can trade items in Statues of the Seven, this will be the easiest way to keep you posted for the end of the game without having to spend money on raffles. You may get lucky with a character-specific event, but if you want to unlock a character's constellations in Genshin Impact, you'll have to make peace by making draws for duplicates.