There isn't a right strategy for every mini-game, at least not yet. We'll add more as they're discovered, but for now we're aiming for some clear winning stuff. Even if you don't plan on using these tips, it's important to know them for one simple reason. other players could use them. There are counters for the most devious tricks.
7 tips to help you reach the final round every time
How to beat Hex-A-Gone
In this mini-game, you will see players slowly falling from the top to the bottom of a series of hexagons. Each hex you step on will disappear.
To make the victory much easier, go down to the center of the hexagons and go all the way down blue layer. From the center, run in a circle and remove as many hexes as possible from the board. When more players reach you, they will drop straight through the ground.
Try to keep an island to yourself and to slow down just jump off each hex tile instead of running. This will help you survive longer with a limited amount of hexes.
If you see someone else going to the bottom, try to stay high as long as possible instead. Create a small island on a top plate and jump from one hex to another to move as slowly as possible. If you can survive the lower plate guy you will win.
How to beat scrambled eggs
One of the best Egg Scramble mini-game tactics isn't even to collect eggs for your team. Instead, you can fall into an enemy team's basket and start throwing the eggs. Your teammates can grab these eggs and return to their basket.
Golden Eggs are great, but not mandatory if you're in the shoes of other teams. You can ignore them if you are fighting a helpless team.
To stop this tactic, you will need allies who play defense. This doesn't happen often, but if you keep a guy one level above he will be able to grab and return all the eggs that are removed. It's not quite unbeatable, but it's surprisingly rare for its potency.
How to beat Fall Ball
No super sneaky strategies here. Just something you should be looking for - at random an egg will appear instead of a standard bullet. Eggs are worth 5 points which is a big deal. Go for these eggs and be sure to claim the points for your team!
Otherwise, just watch the large shadow in the center. If your team is well positioned, you can throw the falling ball directly into the enemy team's goal almost instantly. It takes a little practice.
How to beat rock 'n' roll
In this mini-game, your team works together to push a large boulder. Really, you only need three players to push the boulder - the others can be busy ruining everyone. Go push the enemy team's rocks to ruin the direction they're going.
By following this strategy, you will likely fall behind early, but catch up later. Don't worry if everyone is ahead of you! If you play with their rocks, the slowness and consistency will win the race.