Welcome to the Epic Seven Beginners Guide. This guide is divided into 3 separate guides on the most important features and functions of Epic Seven. Everything you need to know to get started in this wonderful game you will find in Epic Seven Beginners Guide.
Epic Seven Beginners Guide
Smilegate is a well-known South Korean company that has been responsible for a number of iconic games that have recently hit the market. Some of these games are CrossFire, SoulWorker, Lost Ark, Sky Saga: Infinite Isles, Chaos Masters, etc. On November 18, 2018, Smilegate released the highly anticipated Epic Seven which was set to move the boundaries of gacha gaming for mobile platforms. It's important to mention that Epic Seven released an earlier version for the Asian market, but the truth is that the final version of the game wasn't ready until November 18th.
When you start the game, you immediately notice something: the Epic Seven graphics are definitely something that you have never seen before in mobile games. Every detail is done with perfection and the first impression is that you are not playing a mobile game. As you get used to the look of the surroundings, you will slowly step into a very interesting story that tells you the most important facts to know about the Epic 7 world. The story itself is unique, but truth be told, it has its own. many similarities with Greek mythology: the gods are at war and this war rages through the centuries. War claims casualties on all sides and one of them is Orbis, a young lover of the creation goddess Diche. After Orbis 'death, Diche is heartbroken and, after a long mourning, she decides to create a new world on Orbis' remains in order to prolong her memory. She used all of her power to create Orbis-Land and has decided to devote all of her time to creating a world that will flourish and develop like the love she has with Orbis. However, Ilryos, a powerful god and mutual friend of Diche and Orbis, realizes that Diche's role in the War of the Gods is too important to be lost because of love, and he decides to create a powerful Archdemon from whom the only goal is to destroy Orbis-Land and bring Diche's attention back to the ongoing war. Because of this, Diche is forced to create a group of heroes in Orbis-Land who will fight the archemon and bring peace to the world. These heroes, known as the descendants of Diche, after a long fight destroy the Arch-Demon only to realize that Orbis-Land will face another Arch-Demon in an endless loop. With each defeat of Arch-Demon, the new era begins in Orbis-Land and everyone except a young knight called Ras loses the memory of previous events, which means no one is at the aware of the looming Arch-Demon threat.
This is where you take control of Ras and other descendants of Diche in an attempt to defeat the Arch-Demon once and for all. After the initial fight where you will learn the basics of combat, which is similar to combat in other Gacha games, you can see the games lobby and the available game options. We will talk about each function in the game but first I will explain the rules of combat. You lead 4 heroes into battle and each hero has a unique set of skills that can be used in turn. The hero's speed determines when he will play, and you can see the order of play of all combat participants on the left side of the battle screen (the hero icon closest to the bottom of the screen will be read first). Each skill generates a certain number of souls which are represented as a kind of mana in the central part of the screen. Souls can be used to boost specific skills or to summon the mighty Guardian, who can deal a lot of damage to your enemies. There are 3 different guardians in the game: Arkasus, Zeaon and Kromcruz. You start with Arkasus while the other 2 Guardians need to be open while completing Campaign Missions later. Each hero or monster has a specific element affiliation which is strong against some elements and weak against others. There are 5 different elements and the concept is akin to RPS (rock-paper-cisis), as you can see in the Element Advantage image below:
When you kill all the enemies on the map (usually two waves of enemies with Bosses at the end, depending on the game segment) or if all of your heroes are dead, the battle is over. As you can see, there is nothing we haven't seen before in the combat mechanics and I'm sure you won't get used to it in time.
The games lobby is actually a tavern where you can see recently used heroes, shrine doors, and a plethora of game options.
I will now try to explain in detail all of the in-game functions of each game. Segment that you can find in the game lobby, so that you can navigate through the game without wondering if there is anything else you should be doing right now. .
Sanctuary is a place where you can construct buildings essential to your game. Each building has its unique purpose and requires an Orbis breath for each upgrade. Orbis Breath is only found in Chaos Gates, which can only be accessed by completing side quests on the World Campaign map (adventure button in the game lobby). There are 4 buildings available at a time and while you can build each building, you won't have enough Breath of Orb for all upgrades. You will therefore need to plan your priorities carefully.
The first building available after a few initial fights is Heart of Orbis. Here you can generate the Gold currency needed for the purchase of various goods and the Skystone currency needed for the daily purchase of Summons and Gold. There are 3 possible upgrades for this building: Cradle of Light, Mirror of Light and Sanctum Benedictory.
Cradle of Light improves the total amount of currency you can store while generating up to 36 Gold and 000 Skystone once the upgrade is complete.
Mirror of Light determines how much currency you will generate in a 12 hour period, up to 3 gold and 000 skystone per hour for the level 0,75 building.
Benedictory Sanctum offers you the opportunity to acquire additional rewards from the Heart of Orbis. After the upgrade is complete, you have a 50% chance to earn 200% more currency per hour.
Forest of souls building is available after chapter 2.4 on the world map. This building is a place where you can feed 3 different creatures, essential for a regular progression of the game. These creatures are penguins, phantasies and mola-goras. Penguins are used to gain experience and you can feed penguins with one, two or three stars (penguins with 3 stars grant the most experience). Penguins have element affiliation, which means that if you use penguins with a water element, water heroes will receive more experience, although they will improve the experience of other heroes, but for a lesser amount. The main use of Phantasma is to promote heroes. When you have a hero with 3 stars and the hero reaches max level, you can promote him or her at least 4 stars by using a certain number of creatures with the same number of stars as the hero you want to promote. You can use any creature or hero for this, but being able to produce Phantasmas every day makes them ideal for this process. MolaGora looks like a root and is mainly used to improve the skills of Heroes. To feed MolaGora, you will need MolaGora seeds.
The Forest of Souls has 3 possible upgrades: Probable Blessing, Expansion of Soul Island and Temporal Blessing.
Probability Blessing increases the chance of getting higher quality creatures by up to 70% chance of getting a 1-star penguin, 27% chance of getting a 2-star penguin, and 3% chance of getting a 3-star penguin when fully upgraded. Phantasms and MolaGora can only be low or medium grades.
Soul Isle Extension expands the number of feeder slots. At 3rd level, you can feed 3 different creatures at the same time.
The Blessing of Time reduces the time it takes to feed creatures. When fully upgraded, summon time is reduced by 15%.
Steel workshop is where you can craft your own gear and unlike other games this place can actually produce high quality gear. This building becomes available after clearing Chapter 3.3 from the World Campaign map. Crafting materials are gathered by participating in the Hunting screen on the chosen fight. There are 4 types of gear: Wyvern Hunting Gear, Golem Hunting Gear, Banshee Hunting Gear, and Azimak Hunt Gear. Each gear class provides equipment with different bonuses, and you should learn what those bonuses are before you decide where to hunt and what equipment to produce.
Wyvern Hunt Equipment grants you gears with the critical set (increased critical probability), hit set (increased efficiency), or speed set (increased speed).
Golem Hunt Equipment provides you with an attack set (increased attack), defense (increased defense), or health set (improved health).
Banshee Hunt Equipment allows you to produce equipment with Resistance set (increased resistance), Destruction (increased Critical Hit damage), Life Steal (absorbing part of each strike and restoring health), or Counter Set (increasing the chances of counterattacking). after suffering damage).
Azimanak Hunt Equipment is a gear with set unit (increases chance to trigger a double attack), set immunity (grants caster immunity for one turn at the start of combat), or activated rage (damage is increased when you are attacking un-stuffed targets).
As in other buildings, Steel Workshop has 3 possible upgrades: Workshop expansion, Artisan's Furnace and Blacksmith's Dormitory.
Workshop Extension reduces the amount of gold needed to craft materials. When fully upgraded, prices are reduced by 30%.
Artisan's Furnace increases the chances of crafting high quality equipment. At 3rd level, there is a 35% chance to craft rare gear, 53% chance to craft heroic gear, and 12% chance to craft epic gear.
The Blacksmith's Dormitory reduces the amount of materials needed to craft equipment for Building 30 by up to 3%.
High command becomes available after completing Chapter 3.7 on the Global Campaign map. This is the building that allows you to send your heroes to various automatic missions that get you experience, gold, stigma (currency needed to hasten the well-being of Forest of Souls), coins antique coins (currency needed to buy special items) or conquest points (PVP currency needed for various goods). You can name up to 4 heroes in each mission, but you cannot do more than 2 missions at a time. Each mission gives you bonuses if you use heroes with characteristics specific to that mission (the finishing time is reduced, you can get bonuses, etc.). There are 4 types of missions: Sanctuary Missions (Gold and Experience), Adventure Missions (Stigma and Experience), Hunting Missions (Ancient Coins and Experience), and War Missions (Conquest Points and Experience) . These missions are great for leveling up heroes you don't use in battle, meaning completing them is the best way to acquire usable heroes to promote your main team.
High Command upgrades are Administration, Floating Station, and Barracks.
After fully upgraded version, admin releases the requirements for 3 Sanctuary Missions, 10 Hunting Missions, and 3 War Missions.
Level 3 Floating Station unlocks 3 Sanctuary Missions, 10 Adventure Missions, and 3 War Missions.
The latest Baracks upgrade lets you unlock 3 Adventure Missions, 3 Hunt Missions, and 10 War Missions.
That's all you need to know about Sanctuary and I'm ready to walk you through everything you need to know about:
The Adventure button is located at the bottom right of the lobby screen. By clicking on Adventure, you will see the Orbis-Land map with a total of 16 different regions.
Each region has a main quest line containing up to 10 missions and 1 or 2 side quest lines. Each mission has 3 groups of enemies with a Boss at the end, except for Crossroads missions where you can choose your path unless it's locked (to unlock some paths you need to complete the requirements of the mission). Crossroads maps have several exits that lead you to side quests and Gates of Chaos (places where you can get Breath of Orb). When you start a mission, you will see which enemies you are going to face, what rewards can be obtained and what is needed to get 3 stars (the total number of stars per region counts towards obtaining region rewards) . In addition, you will have the option to choose Supporter from the list of heroes belonging to other players. If you choose a supporter who belongs to the player in your friends list, you will receive 10 friendship points (currency that can be exchanged for summons or certain goods), otherwise you will only get 5 friendship points. Make sure to check which heroes are needed for each mission, as each star grants you 5 skystones and only if you collect all the stars in the region will you get the final region reward. This means that you will need a usable hero from each class and element if you want to get the maximum rewards. Besides the mission rewards, you will also get a quest line to clear each mission from your main quest. These rewards are very useful and you will often receive the materials you need the most. After collecting all the stars in the Solayu Swamp region (Chapter 4.S6), the first Urgent Mission will be available. Urgent missions need to be completed within a certain time frame in order to get certain rewards (it's usually a Goblin Chest with at least Epic Gear in it). After clarifying chapter 9.1 (Shell Forest), an AP exchange (you can exchange AP points obtained from missions for much-needed catalysts) becomes available. When you clear all the main quest missions in all regions on normal difficulty, you can do it again on world difficulty. I have to say, normal difficulty won't give you any problems, but world difficulty is a whole different story and it will test your strength in so many ways. My suggestion is that you clear all the missions you can ASAP, which means you won't have enough energy for other segments of the game. This strategy is best for long-term projects and it will keep you going. will usually indicate what your true strength is and how far you are in the game.
This concludes the basic information about the Adventure button. In the next part of Epic Seven Beginners Guide, we'll talk about the Hero and Battle buttons.
You can find detailed information about all the heroes and their value in the game on our Epic Seven Tier list.
We hope you enjoyed the Epic Seven Beginners Guide and now fully understand all segments of the Epic Seven game. BlueMoonGame wishes you a long and prosperous journey to a wonderful world called Epic Seven.