Do you want to unlock all the abilities of your character and his allies but you don't have time to spend hours and hours leveling? No problem, from now on you can unlock all available abilities effortlessly and with a simple glitch exploit!
You must know that Dragon Age Inquisition if you collect ONLY a part of the objects inside a container and travel to another place, and then return to the place of the container, all the objects taken will be restored. The important thing is to always leave one object from the place where you pick up the others.
There is a point in the game where we can find an AMULETO DEL POTERE, which is good for any class or race chosen, in the company of another item. So all we have to do is go to the place indicated, take only the amulet, travel to another area and return to get another amulet and continue until we learn all the skills.
Below we will show you the best place to do this, because together with the Amulet, you can also make small amounts of money!
-Unlock the CRESTWOOD location: you can reach this location, after reaching the SKYHOLD, by completing an operation at the WAR TABLE in FERELDEN.
-Unlock the HAND TOOLS ACT: this is a specialty of the Inquisition that is part of the SPIE menu. To unlock it you must have obtained 4 other skills in this menu by spending the points obtained each time the INQUISITION goes up in rank. You can access the INQUISITION SPECIALITY menu from the WAR TABLE.
1-Travel to Crestwood and reach the central crossroads, shown in the picture below.
2-Barely arrived you will find, near the Stone to travel, the house shown in the picture whose door can only be opened by a Thief with the specialization mentioned in the requirements above.
3- Enter and search in the place shown, on the bear rug, to find a POWER AMULET and a GOLDEN ARMY. Instead of collecting everything, go down with the cursor and collect ONLY the Amulet.
4-Stop inspecting the carpet, open the map and travel, OUTSIDE CRESTWOOD, to any other CAMPAIGN in another location.
5-Finally, return to Crestwood where you have already taken the Amulet to find us another one. Repeat these 5 steps as many times as you want to get all the skill points you need and absolutely free!
5.1-In the same house of the Amulet, in the left area, you will find a house containing 169 MONETAS, a Wizard Stick and an ARMOR. You can perform the same trick here too, collecting only the coins and an object and then selling it back to you. Always remember to leave something in any container that you inspect so that you can return endlessly and find it all again!
LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT! - This procedure does not work on animal carcasses or enemy corpses!