Taras Nabad also has some of the trickiest collectibles to find in the game. You'll have to solve puzzles, smash hidden statues, and press buttons to open locked doors. There are tons of collectibles at this level, and even if you know where they are, they can be ridiculously difficult to obtain. Check below for all the locations and explanations on how to reach them.
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How collectibles work in DOOM Eternal:
There are many types of collectibles in: Auto Cards, Runes, Praetorian Points, Weapon Mods, Albums, Cheat Codes, Toys, Sentinel Crystals, and Sentinel Batteries. Every level has an Automap, but not all levels will have Albums, Toys, Cheat Codes, or Slayer Keys.
Basically there are a ton of different collectibles, and below I'll list where to find them all - in the Fallen from start of level to end. Levels in are much more linear, so as long as you follow along, it's easy to get all of the collectibles.
Guide to collection sites
M9: Taras Nabad - Collection Locations:
Manuscript: At the start of the level, go down to the bridge leading to the entrance to the city. The codex page is to the left of the bridge.
Sentinel battery: Near the Codex, go down to a ledge hidden below. There is a cracked wall that leads to the battery.
Album – BFG Divison (DOOM 2016): After your meeting with the Marauder, go down under the bridge.
Point had: From the bridge, swing through the yellow post and climb the soft wall. After the Mancubus, there is a point on the left.
Automap: In the arena where the Archvile first appears. Find it on the left side, on the second floor.
Secret meeting: In the Archvile arena, look on the first floor, left side, for a cracked wall.
Sentinel battery: Look for a cracked statue on the second floor of the Archvile arena. It's to the right of the painted windows. Hit him, hit the button, then smash the hanging weight with a melee attack behind the doors.
Mastery Token: In the secret room with the secret meeting, there is a passage that leads to a button. Press it to open the door where the mastery token is located.
Point had: Found after surfacing from the underwater path, exiting Archvile arena.
Manuscript: In the courtyard after leaving the corridor with the praetor point.
Toy - Cyber Mancubus: In the codex courtyard, look for a cracked statue to the right of the stairs. Knock it and press the button, then climb on the slides in the middle of the stairs to lift the door.
Manuscript: After the cutscene where Doomguy enters the strange machine, you will find this codex on a catwalk.
Slayer Gate: Pierce the two separate switches in the Doom Hunter / Pain Elemental arena to reach the sewers. The Slayer Gate is on the left.
Slayer Key: Lower the water level twice and you will come to an exit to the sewers. Follow the path to the left before leaving.
Cheat Code - Power Up Mode: Overdrive: In the catacombs where you meet an Archvile, exit the arena ramp and smash the cracked wall. Scroll down to find this code.
Secret meeting: The second secret encounter is in the secret area with the cheat code.
Manuscript: Go up and out of the catacombs to face the corpse of the titans. The codex is to the right of the well.
Sentinel battery: Another easy one. It is just behind the well that you will come out of to find the crucible in the titan's chest.
Point had: To the left of the sword hilt, you will recover in the demon's chest. Descend into the water behind his leg.
Toy - Marauder: Found behind a cracked wall, in the swampy water behind the fallen titan's leg, near Praetor Point.
Point had: Using the dashboard power up, zip over the cracked wall and ride the elevator. At the top, deal with enemies, then go around the back of the elevator.
Manuscript: Go down on the wrecked bridge from the tower, then turn around to access the lower level of the tower.
Manuscript: Inside the safe with the mysterious red room for your Crucible sword.
Album – Rage (Quake II): In the Skull Throne Chamber, where you have to attack the hanging chandelier, look for a cracked wall on the domed ceiling above the entrance. Use the jump pads to reach it.
Point had: After crossing the floor of the Skull Throne, collect the RAD suit and go around the circular room.
Toy - Elemental of Pain: In the massive fall of the throne room underground, search your map for a small landing. On your way down, double-jump to slow your fall, then use a dash / melee to break through a cracked cage wall.
Manuscript: Found in the sewers, just before the entrance to the chamber containing the last part of the crucible.
Mastery Token: In the final Creuset chamber, at the entrance to the bridge.