This is a guide to the weapons in Devil May Cry 5 , where you can view all DMC5 weapons for each playable character (Nero, Dante, etc.). This includes details on how to get these weapons and a brief description of their characteristics.
This Guide to weapons Devil May Cry 5 is good for all platforms: PS4, Xbox One and PC. We will list each weapon in DMC5 specifying which character can use it.
Devil May Cry 5 | Weapons guide
Weapons of Nero
When used, Overture triggers an electrical attack that does extensive damage and immobilizes the enemy for a few seconds. It is the first Devil Breaker built by Nico. Compared to the other arms, it damages the enemy with electric bursts. Its name comes from this simple feature. It's a user-friendly Devil Breaker with medium power and eliminates weaker demons in one blow creating demolition shock waves.
How to get it: Available from mission 1. These Devil Breakers are found in the scenarios and you can buy them in Nico's shop.
Gerbera has three attack commands:
- Gerbera's Jocky, an attack that makes the Devil Breaker ideal for defense and agility. Jocky is able to stop or deflect enemy attacks, while pointing the analog stick will push Nero in the same direction, quickly moving him away from the attacks. While on the ground, he will move Nero into the air. O/B + any direction
- Stamen Ray, fire a powerful laser. During activation, the gameplay changes to a third-person shooter, allowing the player to aim manually. Nero, however, is stationary during this attack, so it's best to use it when there are no enemies behind him. Hold O/B
- Petal Ray, fires many lasers that bounce several times and is more effective in smaller spaces. Hold O/B in midair.
How you get it: Available from mission 1. These Devil Breakers are in the scenarios and you can buy them in Nico's store.
Punch Line
Rare demonic minerals give this Devil Breaker a propulsive power, an incredible destructive force behind every shot. The arm can detach to fly independently, during which Nero can ride it. Hit the demons in this mode to do even more damage. The higher the rank of the combos, the more lasting the effect of this rideable rocket will be. Punch Line has two actions available:
Jet Gadgets: With Punch Line equipped: Hold O/B while in the air to guide it. Perform various maneuvers with square, triangle, circle, X (or respective controls for Xbox One).
Boost Knuckle: With Punch Line equipped: Press and hold O/B, then release it when you see your arm sparkle clearly.
How to get it: Available from mission 3. These Devil Breakers can be found in the scenarios and you can buy them in Nico's shop.
It allows you to load Blue Rose, increasing its firepower. It also improves the Red Queen allowing Nero to perform new and stronger actions with the sword.
How you get it: Available from mission 6. These Devil Breakers can be found in the scenarios and you can buy them in Nico's shop.
Buster Arm
Devil Breaker able to kill at the first blow with the "Buster" technique of Devil Bringer. Incredibly powerful and fragile at the same time.
How to get it: Available from Mission 6. These Devil Breakers can be found in the scenarios and you can buy them in Nico's shop.
This arm was made with special materials obtained from a powerful enemy. It creates force fields that deform and slow down the flow of time. It's convenient for dealing with multiple enemies, but the usefulness of this Devil Breaker varies depending on your style of play.
How you get there: Available from mission 7. These Devil Breakers can be found in the scenarios and you can buy them in Nico's shop.
Helter Skelter
A melee weapon used by Nero, with three levels of attack.
It doesn't have a long range, but compensates with its penetration that allows you to pierce any enemy.
How you get it: Available from Mission 3. These Devil Breakers can be found in the scenarios and you can buy them in Nico's shop.
A weapon that you use like a whip.
How you get it: Available from Mission 7. These Devil Breakers are found in the scenarios and you can buy them in Nico's shop.
Blue Rose
The Blue Rose is the long-range weapon personally designed by Nero. It is a unique revolver with a double barrel style, this design allows it to fire two magnum rounds at a time. This revolver is a heavily modified Smith and Wesson Model 500. Nero has customized it with a traditional 6-shot cylinder, in contrast to the original 5-shot cylinder of the Model 500. Additional modifications to the gun are designed to reduce recoil and oscillation.
Blue Rose has three shares:
- Normal Shot: Press Square (PS4)/X (Xbox One)
- Color Up: Press and hold square (PS4)/X (Xbox One) and release for a stronger shot when the arm lights up.
- High Shot: Hold square (PS4)/X (Xbox One) to load a more powerful shot.
How to get it: Available now.
Red Queen
It has a richly decorated base, and appears to be modelled on the German Großes Messer ("Great Knife"), but its most unique feature is that it has been specially customised with a motorcycle-type gearbox which, once pulled, sprays a flammable propellant through the blade, greatly increasing the power of its shots.
Red Queen focuses on wide shots and occasionally 360 degrees. Red Queen also has exclusive back-to-forward input for additional attacks.
How to get them: Available now.
Mega Buster
Weapon that comes directly from the world of Mega Man. When it is equipped it also changes Nero's way of jumping and moving.
How to get it: by purchasing the Deluxe Edition
Sweet Surrender
Used to "relax", can not harm enemies, if you receive damage during use will break. A fun content more than a real weapon.
How to get it: By purchasing the Deluxe Edition
Pasta Breaker
A spinning fork. A weapon that tastes a little trolled by the development team.
How to get it: by purchasing the Deluxe Edition
Gerbera GP-01
It fires shock waves from every single finger, these shock waves can be controlled.
How do you get: By purchasing the Deluxe Edition
Weapons of Dante
Sparda's sword has two forms: Force Edge and Sparda.
Force Edge looks like a basic sword. The guard takes a "W" shape, vaguely similar to Sparda's horns. It has a spiral handle that carries four skulls on the apple with one point at the top.
In its original shape, however, Sparda maintains the handle and cross-guard, but the tip of the skulls is divided in half, with the front half more elaborate, forming a small blade that curves around the bottom of the sword.
How you get it: Available from mission 11.
Dr. Faust
A hat... A throwing weapon that allows you to perform ranged attacks. Some of Faust's attacks require the use of red spheres; however, when enemies are defeated using it, the player will collect more red spheres than those used to perform such actions.
To use it, hold down R1 + left analog stick forward and triangle.
How you get it: Available from mission 13.
The Balrog has two different modes, a Kick Mode and a Blow Mode.
Kick Mode allows Dante to perform powerful kicks on enemies. Dante seems to use a style similar to capoeira. While using Balrog, Dante can perform a vortex attack in breakdance style, kicking all enemies around him. Blow Mode focuses on punches and allows Dante to perform small stunts. Balrog has a quick attack while on the ground.
How to get it: Available since the first available mission of Dante (10).
Knight R
A pair of chainsaws that can also be used as a motorcycle.
Knight is a motorcycle that can be divided into two circular saws. These attacks are slow but inflict large amounts of damage covering a wide area. Its motorcycle shape can also be used as a weapon with the Swordmaster technique.
How you get it: Available from mission 12.
Nunchucks can do electrical damage and can also turn into an elongated weapon. Cerberus is a triple nunchuck. In its ethereal form like the other Devil Arms, it is a ball of blue light. However, in its material form, it manifests itself as three rods connected to a ring, actually producing a three-part nunchuck.
Cerberus has the highest attack velocity among Dante's Devil Arms. However, in return for this speed, each shot inflicts a small amount of damage per shot compared to other weapons. Cerberus has great defensive properties, as its oscillations produce a kind of barrier around Dante. Cerberus has three forms and three modes of use:
- Basic form: electric nunchuks -> press triangle key
- Elongated shape: turns into a rod that does fire damage -> press circle key
- Third shape: turns into a san jie gun -> hold down and then release circle key
How you get it: Available from mission 17.
Coyote A
The double-barreled shotgun is used primarily at close range to inflict fire on the unfortunate on duty. Its grip has a prominent curve, two small bumps similar to magazines are placed in front of the trigger. The Coyote-A's bullet can hit targets at any distance, but is truly effective at close range.
How to get it: Available from the first available mission of Dante (10).
Ebony & Ivory
Not just two guns, real institutions. Double guns that have accompanied our stylish and acrobatic demonic adventures since the first chapter of the Capcom series.
How to get it: Available since Dante's first available mission (10).
Kalina Ann 2
Rocket launchers capable of firing multiple rockets at the same time. Kalina Ann 2 is one of the weapons in , Devil May Cry 5 created specifically by Nico for Dante, as the original Kalina Ann is owned by Lady.
How to get it: Kalina Ann must be found inside the cathedral during mission 11. In the picture below, you can see the exact location. You will notice this because as you approach the screen, at the bottom, three question marks will appear.

A weapon that needs no introduction. The sword Dante has always drawn against his demonic enemies.
How you get it: Available from Dante's first available mission (10).