As all fans of the series will surely know, competing with the highest difficulty levels was a real challenge, so much so that achieving all of the achievements quite a feat. Well, even this latest incarnation of the saga will be no exception: only a few daredevils will manage to get their hands on the coveted platinum trophy!
In spite of what has been said now, you are still willing to throw yourselves headlong into the various trophies and objectives of Devil May Cry 5 ? This is the guide for you! Keep reading and you'll find out all the steps to follow.
Before we go any further, however, we need a proper introduction: THE FOLLOWING TROPHY AND ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS ON THE GAME'S STORYLINE! Proceed further at your own risk.
Below, we report all the characteristics of the various levels of difficulty present in Devil May Cry 5 :
- Human = enemies will be 100% healthy and cause 100% damage;
- Demon Hunter= Enemies will be 200% healthy and cause 200% of damage (unlock Spreadshot mode);
- Son of Sparda= Enemies will be 400% healthy and cause 400% of damage, attack faster and there will be respawns. Complete the game in this mode and you will unlock the next difficulty level and a new Dante costume;
- Dante must die= enemies will have 800% health and cause 800% of damage, Complete the game in this mode to unlock the next two levels of challenge and costumes that will guarantee you infinite Devil Trigger;
- Heaven or Hell= both you and your enemies will die with a single blow immediately;
- Hell or Hell= your heroes will die after taking a single blow. There are no checkpoints and you can only resurrect three times for each mission. Also, your enemies will have the statistics of the difficulty level "Son of Sparda";
Step 1: Complete the game in "Human" mode and collect all the collectables.

To get the platinum of Devil May Cry 5 , you will need to complete at least 6 runsone for each level of difficulty, plus several attempts to obtain the S grade at each mission. Precisely for this reason, it is advisable to start at the lowest difficulty level, so that you have the opportunity to collect all the collectible items present without too much stress.
In this first run, you'll also have to get the objectives related to individual missions. Some of them will only ask you to complete the quest, but others will ask you to perform specific actions, which you'll do well to perform at the lowest difficulty level. Don't forget, in this case, to get the S rating for the various missions.
Step 2: Complete the game at the highest difficulty levels

After you have completed all of the above, measure yourself with the "Demon Hunter", not forgetting about grade S. After that, all you have to do is beat the game at the difficulty level "Son of Sparda" and "Dante must die". In doing so, you'll have access to all the skills of the various characters, but you'll have to unlock them by getting the red spheres.
To get all the skills of a single character, you'll need about 3,000,000 red spheres, for a total of 9 million red balls. There are two ways to go: either you get ready for a good number of hours of farming, or you'll have to do a back up save, so you can load it up once you've acquired all the skills of a single hero, so you can get the spheres back and use them on another character.
The moment you get all these red spheres, use them to complete the game without too much hassle in " " mode.Dante must die“. Every time you die, in fact, you can use the red balls to lower the health of the boss of the end level by 30%, definitely a great gimmick to make your life easier.
Step 3: Heaven or Hell, Hell or Hell
“Heaven or Hell" will be one of the fastest modes, as both you and your enemies (even bosses) can die after a single shot. In this case, all you have to do is shoot with your guns, so you can wipe everyone out in no time.
The mode "Hell or Hell", on the other hand, is the biggest obstacle between you and the platinum trophy. No save points, you'll die with a single shot right away, enemies will have 400% health and you'll be able to relive for up to three times. If to complete the game with this difficulty you'll just have to resort to Devil Trigger, to get the S degree, you won't be able to resort to it.
Devil May Cry 5 - Trophies and Achievements
We've only just begun
Complete the game in "human" mode
Complete the game at the lowest difficulty level, nothing easier.
We're going hunting!
Complete the game in "demon hunter" mode
Complete the game at the second available difficulty level.
All his father
Complete the game in "Son of Sparda" mode
Follow the description and you'll get the trophy.
The beginning of the end
Complete the prologue
Game plot trophy, impossible to miss.
At the service of humanity
Defeat all enemies in mission 1
There is only one hidden foe on the first mission, but that could lose you the trophy. Immediately after crossing the destroyed bridge, turn around and you will find a mantis guarding a fragment of a blue sphere. Once you've killed it, you won't have any more problems, as all the enemies will be in plain sight.
Red Sphere Seeker
Get the red spheres in an unexpected location from Mission 2.
Follow the directions in the video to get the trophy.
Complete Mission 3
Game plot trophy, impossible to miss.
Demolition team
Destroy a certain wall in Mission 4.
Follow the directions in the video to get the trophy in question.
Take care!
Repel a threat from above in Mission 5
Follow the directions in the video to get the trophy in question.
End of the race
Complete Mission 6
Game plot trophy, impossible to miss.
Shared Pain
Complete Mission 7 with Black and V
Follow the trophy description and you'll get it without any problem.
A light in the darkness
Complete mission 8
Trophy linked to the game plot, impossible to miss.
Destroy a certain wall in mission 9
Follow the directions in the video to get the trophy in question.
It doesn't end here
Complete Mission 10
Game plot trophy, impossible to miss.
The art of the sword
Wait for the right moment and get a lead against the boss on mission 11.
Press the R2 button to equip the Devil Sword Sparda, and press the
to select the position of the Swordmaster. As soon as you meet the end of level boss, press the R1 + keys repeatedly.
this way you will be able to repel its attacks and get the trophy.
For any indecision, please see the attached video.
The Qliphot
Complete mission 12
Game plot trophy, impossible to miss.
Each in his own way
Complete Mission 13 with V, Nero and Dante
To unlock this trophy, you'll have to repeat the 13 mission three times, completing it with all the characters.
Time is running out
Complete mission 14
Game plot trophy, impossible to miss.
A walk
Proceed with caution and avoid unnecessary damage in Mission 15.
In this mission you'll have to choose the direction to take in various forks but, in any case, you'll come across statues of the gods (the ones from which you can buy abilities). The objective of the quest is not to suffer damage during the free roaming phases, in which you may come across some traps.
You can suffer damage from the various enemies (although our advice is to avoid them by running) or even from the boss, but you'll have to carefully avoid all the traps scattered in this stage.
Follow the directions in the video to get the trophy.
Think first and then launch your offensive in the fight with the boss of Mission 16.
This trophy will be obtained during the fight against the boss at the end of level. For the purpose of obtaining it, you will never have to activate the Devil Triggerbut you must continue the fight in human form. The target will unlock during the battle, randomly; however, if you realize that the boss has little remaining health and the trophy hasn't appeared yet, load the last checkpoint and repeat the fight.
Back to life
Complete mission 17
Game plot trophy, impossible to miss.
A man, a mission
Complete the mission 18
Trophy linked to the game plot, impossible to miss.
Unprecedented clash
Complete Missions 19 and 20 without using "continue".
You'd better get this trophy during the first run of Devil May Cry 5 , at difficulty "Human". Pay attention to not to empty the health bar and the achievement in question will be yours.
Complete an S style combo
To obtain this trophy we refer you to the description of the achievement "Super Sexy Style“.
Spectacular Style
Complete an SS style combo
To obtain this trophy we refer you to the description of the achievement".Super Sexy Style“.
Super Sexy Style
Complete an "SSS" style combo
Let's start by saying that the best character to get this trophy with is V. The explanation is soon given: this demon hunter is the only one with whom you can attack enemies without exposing yourself in first person, but through his "little friends". By purchasing the "Promotion" skill, you can also ride Nightmare, thus avoiding the attacks of other monsters.
To get an SSS combo you'll have to kill enemies in different ways, and do it as quickly as possible.
The best place to achieve this Achievements is at the first encounter with the enemies of the Mission 5. All you have to do is press the
, so that you can use both Griffin and Shadow. Playing at higher difficulty levels will unlock the achievement more easily, as your opponents will have more HP and, therefore, will need more shots to be killed.
Rapid death
Defeat 5 enemies in 1 second
To get this trophy you'll have to buy, at the shop, the devil breaker called "Helter Skelter“. Once this is done, start mission two and reach the first encounter with the demons; take out the first 3 and you will see 5 more monsters appear. At this point, all you have to do is get them close enough, and then press the
to activate Helter Skelter and kill them all at once.
An alternative to what has now been said is to play the same difficult mission "Hell or Paradise", provided you accept the risk of dying at the hands of the enemy.
Flying Devil
Accumulates a total of 60 minutes in the air with jumps and other actions
This trophy will be obtained in a completely natural way during the gameplay. All you have to do is complete combos that, with good probability, will make you fly through the air. Time will be counted from the moment the character gets up in the air until he touches the ground again.
Nothing is impossible
Acquire all of Nero's skills
To unlock all of Nero's abilities, you will need about 5 million red spheres. A guide is being written with all the tips to speed up the farming of the spheres.
Below, we list you all the skills of Nero:
- Speed
- Table Hopper
- Table Hopper 2
- Table Hopper 3
- Wire Snatch 2
- Wire Snatch 3
- Air Hike
- Trigger Heart
- Enemy Step
- Get More Orbs
- Former Provocation
Blue Rose:
- Color Up 2
- Color Up 3
- Charge Shot
- Charge Shot 2
- Charge Shot 3
Red Queen:
- Streak
- Streak 2
- Split
- Red Queen Combo B
- Red Queen Combo C
- Red Queen Combo D
- Roulette Spin
- Shuffle
- Payline
- Hard Way
- Calibur
- Exceed 2
- Exceed 3
- Max-Act
Devil Bringer:
- Showdown
- Maximum Bet
- Flap Top
Devil Breaker:
- Breaker Plus
- Breaker Plus 2
- Breaker Plus 3
- Breaker Plus 4
- Breaker Plus 5
Become a legend
Acquire all the skills of Dante
In order to access all of Dante's skills you must first of all complete the game at the difficulty "Son of Sparda"and, furthermore, you will need to find the weapon Kalina Ann, to unlock the "Double Kalina Ann", a weapon to which are linked skills to be obtained. In addition to all this, you'll need to accumulate the usual 5 million red spheres.
Below, we list them all the skills of Dante.
- Speed
- Air Hike
- Trigger Heart
- Enemy Step
- Get More Orbs
- Former Provocation
- Irregular Full Custom (beating the difficulty game "Son of Sparda")
- Stinger
- Stinger 2
- Million Stab
Devil Sword Sparda:
- Stinger:
- Stinger 2
- Million Stab
Devil Sword Dante (you will unlock it in mission 12):
- Stinger
- Stinger 2
- Million Stab
- Drive
- Over Drive
- Swords Formation
- Swords Formation 2
- Swords Formation 3
- Bantam Revenge
- Fly Dragon
- Updraft
- Rolling Blaze
- Ignition 2
- Ignition 3
Knight (you will unlock him in mission 11):
- Cross Line
- Slipstream
- Slipstream 2
- Highside
- Braking
- Idling
King Cerberus (you will unlock it in mission 16):
- Revolver
- Revolver 2
- Crystal
- Ice Age
- Long Revolver
- Thunder Clap
Ebony & Ivory:
- Charge Shot
- Charge Shot 2
- Charge Shot 3
- Charge Shell
- Charge Shell 2
- Charge Shell 3
Kalina Ann (you will find her during mission 11):
- High Explosive
Double Kalina Ann (you will unlock it in mission 18, but only if you get the Kalina Ann in mission 11):
- Cascade
Dr. Faust (you will unlock him on mission 13):
- Man in the Red
- Hat Trick
- Dr. Faust 2
- Dr. Faust 3
- Dr. Faust 4
- TS Style Level 2
- TS Style Level 3
- TS Style Level 4
- SM Style Level 2
- SM Style Level 3
- SM Style Level 4
- GS Style Level 2
- GS Style Level 3
- GS Style Level 4
Royal Guard:
- RG Style Level 2
- RG Style Level 3
- RG Style Level 4
Sin Devil Trigger:
- Sin Stinger
- Sin Inferno
- Demolition
- The Light
- Quadruple S
Breeder of demons
Acquire all the skills of V
Again, you'll need to accumulate 5 million red spheres to unlock all of V's abilities.
Below, we list you all the skills of this character.
- Quickplay
- Promotion
- Enemy Step
- Trigger Heart
- Green Gainer
- White Gainer
- Get More Orbs
- Former Provocation
- Royal Fork
- Blockade 2
- Blockade 3
- Round Robin 2
- Round Robin 3
- Flank Attack
- Double Check
- Double Check 2
- Double Check 3
- Griffon Vim
- Griffon Vigor
- Griffon Vigor 2
- Shadow Combo B
- Shadow Combo C
- Breakthrough
- Hedgehog
- Hedgehog 2
- Guillotine
- Skewer
- Shadow Vim
- Shadow Vigor
- Shadow Vigor 2
- Nightmare Combo B
- Domination
A beastly physicist
Maximises the vital energy indicator
To get this trophy, you will first have to find all the 32 blue sphere fragments and once we get it, buy the 6 blue balls from the store. This way you will get the maximum expansion of the health bar.
We are currently working on a guide on how to find all the fragments, stay tuned so you don't miss even one of our updates.
Light a devil in me
Maximize the Devil Trigger indicator
To get this trophy you will have Devil May Cry 5 to get your hands on all the 8 fragments of the purple spheresafterwards buy the other 5 purple balls at the store. In this way, you will maximize the Devil Trigger bar.
We are currently working on a guide on how to find all the fragments, stay tuned so you don't miss even one of our updates.
A new assignment
He accepts a new assignment from Morrison after the events of Red Grave...
Game plot trophy, impossible to miss.
Demons Massacre
Defeat a total of 1000 enemies
You will get this trophy simply by playing, without any problem.
Right arm
Retrieve over 100 Devil Breaker during missions
This trophy can be obtained by farming, using Checkpoints. The fastest place to do it is during the Mission 15. Go through the trap section until you reach the first Statue of the Deity on the mission. Go behind the statue and you will see a short film of a fragment of a blue sphere on top of a mountain.
In this area there are 7 Punch Line Devil Breaker very close to each other. Collecting them all will call you back just over 30 seconds. Destroy them immediately by pressing L1 and then restart the checkpoint to collect them again, until the trophy unlocks. Continue to count them each time you restart the checkpoint.
Use over 500,000 red orbs with Dr. Faust
The weapon Dr. Faust will unlock at the mission 13 and, to get the trophy, all you have to do is own 500,000 or more red balls and hold down the
to shoot them all, until you get the target.
Since this is a real waste of red balls, we strongly recommend you to make a backup save, and load it as soon as you get the trophy.
Who needs weapons?
Complete mission 11 without equipping a set of weapons for Dante (except Heaven or Hell)
To get this trophy, you'll have to follow several steps. First of all, you'll have to complete the game at the difficulty level "Son of Sparda"; in this way, you'll unlock the ability "Irregular Full Custom", which will allow you not to equip any weapons. However, you will not be able to fight with your bare hands, or at least not yet.
By completing the game at the level of difficulty "Dante must die", you will unlock the costume ".Super Dante", which will guarantee you infinite Devil Trigger. At this point, all you have to do is use the second demon transformation to summon the weapons you need.
Complete mission 11 this way and the trophy will unlock.
With one arm
Complete mission 07 by starting the mission without Devil Breaker (except Heaven or Hell).
To get this trophy it will be better to play at the difficulty level "Human". Use Black and, before starting mission 7, press L1 / R1 to select an empty set of Devil Breaker (the gloves you wear on your left hand). This way, you will only start the mission with your revolver and sword.
Remember that you can always use any Devil Breaker you find during the mission.
Animal Protection
Complete mission 05 without the demons of V stalling (except Heaven or Hell).
To get this trophy, Griffin and Shadow, the two demons of V, must never lose their health completely. In this regard, it will certainly be useful to buy all the upgrades available for their hp; also, always keep in mind that you can make them recover all their health simply by evoking Nightmare with the L1 button.
Start mission 5 at the lowest difficulty level and equip the skills mentioned above. As soon as you see your demonic friends' health bar drop below 50%, press L1 now and summon Nightmare.
Devil May Cry 5 - Trophies and Achievements
Dante will not die
Complete the game in "Dante Must Die" mode
To obtain this trophy, we refer you to the description of the target".Dante's Hell“.
Angel or Demon
Complete the game in "Heaven or Hell" mode
To obtain this trophy we refer you to the description of the objective "Dante's Hell“.
Secret Agent
Complete all secret missions
In Devil May Cry 5 will be present 12 secret missions. To unlock them, all you have to do is find engravings on some walls, very similar to graffiti. As soon as you identify them, you'll have to position yourself on a certain point (which will light up red as soon as you climb on it) and, looking at the graffiti so that it is totally composed, you'll have access to the secret mission.
Carry out the required tasks and complete the secondary quest.
We are currently working on a guide to all the secret missions in Devil May Cry 5 . Stay tuned so you don't miss out on any of our updates.
Devil of a Hunter
Complete all missions with grade S
To get this trophy, you'll need to get a S-evaluation in all 20 missions of Devil May Cry 5 , including the Prologue. It is not essential that you obtain the S grade for each level of difficulty: for this achievement you can limit yourself to obtaining such an assessment even at various levels of challenge.
Our advice is to tackle this trophy at the level of difficulty "Hell or Paradise“. In this way, you'll be able to complete missions in a very short time, killing enemies with a single shot and, in addition, trying to die as little as possible. By doing so, in fact, you'll manage to get a whole series of multipliers that will increase your final score, making it practically certain that you'll get the S rating.
You get over 1,000,000 red gems in total.
You will get this amount of red gems in about 2 runs of the game. However, a guide on how to make these items is in the works, stay tuned so you don't miss out on any of our updates.
Devil May Cry 5 - Trophies and Achievements
Dante's Inferno
Complete the game in Hell or Hell mode
Here we come to the second most difficult trophy of Devil May Cry 5 . We have already described what the difficulty of this achievement is, now it is time to try to understand the fastest way to unlock it.
In the first instance, you'll have to do a lot of practice at the "Son of Sparda" difficulty level, as the enemies will have the stats of this mode. To make your life easier, you'll be able to resort to Devil Triggers, but remember that, in this way, you'll foreclose the possibility of obtaining the S rank.
One of the advice we have to give you is to use Nero and keep at least 8 Devil Breaker called "Ragtime“. In this way, in fact, you can "freeze" enemies for a few seconds, giving you the chance to get out of the way even from the most intricate situations, much more than you could do the Devil Trigger.
Know that you will die a lot of times and you will not be able to resurrect for more than three occasions. Be patient, and in the end, the trophy will be yours.
Now I recognize you
You get unparalleled power and you get a really unexpected conclusion.
This trophy will be obtainable in the prologue and, to unlock it, you'll have to beat Urizen...the end-of-the-line boss. All this will happen very easily at the difficulty level "Hell or Heaven", where all enemies can be beaten with a single shot, including this boss. The feat will also be feasible at the difficulty level "Human" but, of course, it will be much more difficult.
Legendary Hunter
Complete all S-grade missions at any difficulty except Heaven or Hell.
If the "Dante's Inferno" trophy had created some headaches for you, wait until you test yourself with this one. To unlock this Achievements you'll have to get the S rating in each of the 20 missions, including the Prologue, for each of the six difficulty levels. It goes without saying that all of this takes a great deal of time.
The best way to get the S in Devil May Cry 5 grade is to never get hit. This way, you'll get a 2.2x multiplier to your final score, plus another 1.2x multiplier if you manage to complete the mission without using any checkpoints.
These two multipliers will guarantee you the S rank, even if you have made pitiful combos. Here are all the bonuses and malus you will have access to during the various missions:
Possible Malus:
- Using "Super" costumes (with infinite Devil Trigger) = -80% at the possibility of getting the S grade
- Use Auto-Assist (automatic combos) = -20%.
- Use the balls to resuscitate = the more you use them, the more malus you will receive.
- Using the checkpoints will foreclose the 1.20x multiplier
- Being hit will preclude you from the 2.20x multiplier
Possible Extra Bonuses:
- Whiff King - 100
- Storm of Swords - 100
- Consistent Style - 100
- Max Vitality Victory - 300
- Near-Death Experience - 500
- From Death to Life - 100
- Drawn-out Devil - 800
- Double Death - 100
- Triple Takedown - 300
- Combo Damage - 100
- Get Some Air - 300
- Sandbagged - 100
- Slow Scrapper - 100
- Earthbound - 300
- Brutal Blow - 100
- Fast Fighter - 150
- Devil Trigger Junkie - 100
- Good Teamwork (Coop) - 500
- Gun Enthusiast - 100
- Master Swordsman - 100
- All Weapon Change - 100
- All Style Change - 100
- No Style Change - 100
- Ignition Enabled - 100
- Shift Into Top Gear - 100
- Instant Dispatch - 300
- Fiendish Friendly Fire - 100
- Explosive Mistake - 100
- Pop Fly Hitter - 100
- Sniper - 100
- Break Away Finish - 100
- Armless Victory - 200
- Feeble Resistance - 2000
- No Stalemate - 500
- Demon Reprieve - 100
- Wave Rider - 100
- Finishing Blow Blowout - 300
- Wave Rider - 100
- Instant Dispatch - 300
- Bomber Man - 100
- Exceed Excellence - 100
- Parry Prince - 100
- Parry King - 500
- Newbie Deflector - 100
- Guard Break Beginner - 100
- Guard Break Ace - 500
- Risk Taker - 500
- Legendary Finish - 500
- Red Empusa hunter - 100
- Speed Clear S - 1000
- Speed Clear A - 500
- Speed Clear B - 100
- Veggie Roast - 100
- Sinful Finish - 500
- Terminator - 200
- Environment Wrecker - 100
- Just Passing Through - 500
- Penny Pincher - 100
- Blood Clot Conservationist - 500
- Wall Crusher - 200
- Coffin Breaker - 100
- Major Losses - 100
- Get Wet - 50
- Hotels Tour - 100
- Balloon Popper - 500
- Explosion Junkie - 100
- Wall Crusher - 200
- Leg Wallop - 100
- Hail to the King - 100
- Against All Odds - 500
- Demon Catcher - 300
Devil May Cry 5 - Trophies and Achievements
Devil May Cry
You get all the trophies.
If you've made it this far, it means you've unlocked all the other trophies of Devil May Cry 5 . Congratulations, you have just unlocked the platinum trophy!