The Tower Obelisk will be at the heart of the event, as this is not only where you'll donate this resource to help the community reach their goals, but Bungie reports that it will also 'generate revenue. polarized fractal for you each week, equivalent to its resonant power ”. which you can increase by upgrading other obelisks on the map.
Using Obelisks to Cultivate the Polarized Fractal
Before diving, make sure all five obelisks are unlocked. They can be found on Nessus, Mars, le EDZ, le Tangled Rive, and le Tower. If you still need to activate any of the first four obelisks on this list, this guide will get you started. Once The Tower Obelisk is all that's left, you can read this one.
I recommend players choose an Obelisk to start maximizing based on the corresponding Obelisk Activity and Bonus when set to 11, as 11 is the maximum Resonance Rank for Obelisk Upgrades:
- The EDZ obelisk = Vanguard III Fractal Extractor
- Temporal Slipstream (I-III) - Permanently increases the amount of sundial rewards.
- Obelisk of Mars = Crucible III Fractaline Extractor
- Temporal Slipstream (I-III) - Permanently increases the amount of sundial rewards.
- Tangled Shore Obelisk = Gambit Fractaline Extractor III
- Signal Strength (I-III) - Permanently increases the capacity of simultaneous sundial links by (level #)
- Obelisk of Nessus = Sundial and menagerie Fractaline Extractor III
- Timelost Capacity 1 - Permanently increases the inventory capacity of Timelost weapon frames by 1.
Since the first activities of the Empyrean Foundation begin with the Sundial, which can be cultivated for Fracture Bias on its own, a player might think it's a good idea to start by maximizing the Obelisk of Nessus, whose Sundial and Menagerie Fractal Extractor continuously grants Fractaline extras from these events. However, taking a closer look at the Obelisk upgrades, and this player might find that both the EDZ Obelisk and the Mars Obelisk have time upgrades, which permanently increase the amount of Sundial rewards. , which would make one of these options the best of the first choice.
Personally, since I would rather grind Crucible matches on Vanguard Strikes, for example, I would choose to maximize the Obelisk of Mars first, while someone who prefers strikes or already has Saint-14 bounties equipped that require the death of some PvE enemies could first choose the EDZ obelisk. If I maxed out those two immediately, followed by the Obelisk of Nessus, I almost wouldn't have to run the Sundial before collecting Fractaline stacks and rewards. It's all a matter of strategy and player preference.
A note on Timelost weapon bonuses
With the Empyrean Foundation update, players have been offered a 25% progress upgrade for each individual donation of (100) Fractaline they make to The Tower Obelisk. If you happen to have weapons you are interested in related to this obelisk, then absolutely go ahead and load up the bounties, so all you need to do to get the weapon is drop the 400 Fractalins you had. already planned to deposit (or not, if the Timelost Weapons encouraged you to make a donation).
However, most Timelost weapons are not worth the Fractaline you will spend on them, as they can be earned in activities and have a low chance of coming out good or bad. And while Timelost weapon bounties only cost 10 Fractaline each, it can add up pretty quickly for players who don't have a lot of time to grind. Not to mention the other event-specific offers that players face: Each week your Tower Obelisk will be replenished with the Fractaline you used to upgrade the other four Obelisks in the previous week via the Tower obelisk generator.
Ultimately, it's called "donating" for a reason. It's up to you what you want to do with your Fractaline even if that means you want to hang on to it and let it sit (but please, for the sake of all that is good in the community. , give it away if you don't take care of Timelost weapons). If you really want certain weapons, I see no problem grabbing the bounties and letting your donations turn them into weapons (and XP and / or Legendary Shards if you end up not liking your reels).
That said, the four weapons that I would choose to purchase bounties for are the ones that will release indefinitely at the end of the season: Tower Obelisk's Perfect paradox kinetic rifle, Trophy hunter sniper rifle, and Pyroclastic flow rocket launcher, as well as the obelisk of Nessus Jack Queen King 3 Hand cannon. The Trophy Hunter and Pyroclastic Flow are only available to players with the Season Pass though, but the Perfect Paradox is clearly the winner in my mind, with many possible reels that work incredibly well with it.
Again, it's your hard-earned polarized fractal to choose what you want to do with it. Season Pass holders get an additional benefit on each of the new Saint-14 Era weapons acquired if you farm for the perfect roll as a Season Pass holder, it is best to wait until you hit the level 92 Season Pass anyway, where your new "Saint" Timelost weapons come with an added perk. But that goes for all the Timelost weapons you can earn in the Sundial and similar activities that came with Saint-14 - you can just pick that weapon after the activity ends and keep that Fractaline for a bit longer. .
Introducing Crucial Tips
- Focus on as much of one obelisk as possible at a time Resonance level 11, the minimum level needed to access higher level rewards.
- Know what bonuses each obelisk offers.
- Choose the Maximize Fallen from each obelisk that best matches your playstyle.
- Save the Tower Obelisk for last.
- The Empyrean Foundation event is character based, not accounts based, so if you have the time (and the will), you can use up to three of your characters to get up to 3 times as much Fractal.
- Check and claim your Triumphs periodically, especially after mounting an obelisk or completing events that earn you more Fractaline.
Max Out Obelisks one at a time
- Reaching a resonance level of 11 in an obelisk before trying to upgrade another obelisk is the fastest way to upgrade each obelisk., contrary to what it may seem. This is because as you level up each Obelisk, you achieve higher reward levels that will maximize your total Fractaline gains.
- Car each increase in resonance level on an obelisk costs 200 Fractaline, a large part of increasing your Obelisks is spending Fractal to craft Fractal by reinvesting your earnings into the next Obelisk.
- Save the Tower Obelisk for last. The Empyrean Foundation event made it easier to invest your Fractaline to collect ROI with the new Tower Obelisk Generator.
The Tower Obelisk Generator
Each week, the Tower Obelisk generates Polarized Fractal which players can use based on the number of Obelisks they have synced with it and the Resonance level of each Obelisk during the weekly reset. By the time a player connects the Planetary Obelisks to the Tower Obelisk, each of the Planetary Obelisks should be at maximum Resonance Rank 11, which will generate 4600 Fractals per week for that player.
The Tower Obelisk Generator encourages players who wish to donate to the Empyrean Foundation event of the season to invest in their future and the future of the community by upgrading the resonance ranks of the obelisks they have linked to The Tower. Obelisk. Whatever changes are made to upgrading obelisks throughout the week will be reflected in the Tower Obelisk Generator's Fractal Return investment weekly.
To give the highest Fractaline contributions to the community event, players would be advised to continue to deposit the returns they make from various Fractaline farming methods such as play as the three characters available for one account to grab more bounties from Saint-14, for example, to drop in the outer obelisks after the weekly resonance generation. Many players will be amazed to find themselves donating an investment they probably never imagined possible when they first heard about the third tier (of seven) of community donations, amounting to 1,2 billion Fractaline, with relative ease. Players who donate during the Empyrean Foundation event are advised to monitor the progress of the community to determine the most optimal time to help with their return from Fractaline.
Connect the planetary obelisks to the tower
The Tower Obelisk exists primarily for convenience and allows Guardians to purchase bounties from any linked obelisk without having to leave the tower, and it also offers its own weapon bounties as well as weapon bounties. two passes, the Trophy Hunter sniper rifle and Pyroclastic Flow rocket launcher, as well as the less exclusive favorite, the Perfect Paradox rifle.
To bind the Planetary Obelisks to the Tower Obelisk, players must collect all four Obelisk Synchronization Quests before going to each Planetary Obelisk they wish to bind, purchase a Timelost Weapon Bounty, and complete the bounty to receive the premium dawn season. weapon and finish binding the obelisk.
As handy as the Tower Obelisk is designed to be, providing players with a local place to purchase the bounties and weapons offered by the planetary obelisks attached to it, it is still limited in that players cannot mount individual obelisks through it with polarized fractal, but will have to travel to each planet to increase the resonance rank of the corresponding obelisk.