In other words, if you know the tricks. includes weird bosses with tricky gadgets and weaknesses that you can exploit much more easily. Some bosses can be stealthy, others can be defeated by attacking a hidden weak point. Some bosses seem impossible until you solve a mini-puzzle in the scene. Below, I'll cover each boss to explain what they're weak against and what tricks you can use to crush them without igniting yourself.
Don't know where to go first? Here is the best route | Optimal Path Guide | Cling Ring Location Guide | 75% maximum health as soul buff
[-1 1] Phalanx
Phalanx is a giant drop surrounded by enemies armed with shields. You must defeat the minions to attack the exposed core before they regenerate. Use the pillars in the room to give yourself a safe place to heal.
- Coat your melee weapon with turpentine to do more damage.
- It is weak for fire damage. Use firebombs to eliminate the hoplites and attack the core.
[1-2] Knight of the Tower
A massive knight armed with a gigantic shield and a spear. You will have to attack his ankles and strafe the circles to get behind him. There are a few strategies you can use to win early on.
- Circle-strafe and stay behind him with your shield up. Attack his ankles when there is an opening. Beware of his jump / stomp attacks.
- Go up the stairs and wait for him to approach. When he's preparing for a spear throw, sprint down and attack his ankles. You can launch an attack, then speed up. It is a very safe melee method.
- The Knight of the Tower is weak against Poison Cloud and Death Cloud. The cloud of poison will poison and eventually kill the knight of the tower, and the cloud of death will cripple him.
[2-1] Spider Armor
The Armor Spider battle is split into two phases: Approach and Arena. In the narrow cave, the spider shoots webs and fireballs. Use fire resistant shields and armor to make this easier.
- Use the alcoves to hide during the approach.
- Apply Sticky White Stuff to your weapon to deal bonus damage at close range.
- By using the Ring and Cloak of the Thief spell, you can actually hide from the boss. You can use 80 arrows ~ for the sniper from afar. It takes a long time, but the remote method is relatively safe.
- The Armor Spider takes more spell damage.
[2-2] Flamelurker
One of the toughest bosses in the game, the Flamelurker is a towering fire demon who is faster than most enemies you've encountered so far. Naturally, the Flamelurker is immune to fire magic. He is very fast and jumps around the arena. All of his attacks have an element of fire, so be prepared.
- The Violet Flame Shield can be found in the Boletarian Palace and will help you defend against fire attacks.
- Use white sticky items on your weapon to deal additional damage to Flame Lurker.
- The boss is weak against magic. Soul Arrow and Soul Ray can damage it considerably and make combat much easier.
- The magic sharpening ring helps here. Find him in the Iron Maiden room in Latria Tower on the 4th floor.
[2-3] dragon god
This huge puzzle boss isn't a boss at all. You don't need to fight him - just keep moving forward and dodge his attacks. Your objective is to hit the spear and fire launchers. Use your weapons to break through the rubble blocking your path.
[3-1] Idol of the madman
He's a trick boss. The Madman's Idol will reappear endlessly unless you beat the prisoner on the balcony above the church. Use the side passage to reach the next level (before entering the boss arena through the fog gate) and kill it to get the special key.
- The Madman's Idol will constantly respawn until you kill the prisoner on the balcony above the church. Access to this area is outside of the boss arena.
- The pattern is otherwise quite simple. This is one of the easiest bosses in the game - once you've learned the Prisoner's Secret.
[3-2] Maneater
A vicious gargoyle on a narrow ledge. A second gargoyle will appear in the middle of the battle, making it one of the more difficult fights in the game. Taking on both will be a challenge.
- Don't dodge unless you are absolutely sure of your position. It is very easy to die.
- Exchange the soul of the knight of the tower for the sage Freke to get the protection spell. This spell negates 70% of physical damage. With this spell active, the gargoyle will not hurt you with your shield up.
- The second Maneater spawns when the first Maneater is at 20% health. When you are close to 20% use white items or upgrade your sword and attack with full stamina to kill it as soon as possible.
- Walk past them and shoot with spells / bows at the opposite end of the bridge. It takes time for them to cross the length.
[3-3] Old monk
Another bizarre boss. If you're online, the boss will summon a player's soul, forcing you into a PVP battle. There is no way to prepare for this, but there is a simple trick you can use to make the fight a lot easier.
- Just step into the battle when you're offline. If you're not, you'll face a default AI opponent that's no harder than most tough enemies.
[4-1] Referee
The bizarre referee is a big monster who uses his tongue to smash the floors you are standing on. Fighting him up close can be difficult, but you'll need to be nimble to avoid falling.
- Use a bow to aim the bird's crown on the referee's head. Stay near the fog door to stay just out of tongue reach and shoot the head - step back when it prepares a tongue attack.
- The Sticky White Stuff, again, increases the amount of damage you will deal.
[4-2] Old hero
A blind swordsman walking the dark corridors of his lair. Stay silent, and you may catch him attacking - then retreat and sneak up on him again.
- Collect the Thief's Ring from the Boletarian Palace behind Ostrava. Once equipped, it makes you much harder to find.
- You can also equip lighter gear and the old hero won't be able to find you that easily.
- Stand still and wait for the old hero to lose you. It attacks in random directions. Wait a chance, get close and launch attacks before you run away. Rinse and repeat.
[4-3] Storm King
The enormous Storm King is yet another boss gimmick. For this fight, grab the Storm Ruler sword and retreat to a safe area away from the boss. Minions will only attack if you are close enough to strike - just use the Storm Ruler by locking and swinging your sword, blasting the boss with lightning. There are no tips here.
[5-1] Leechmonger
The Leechmonger is a leech monster that squirms and regenerates health - and he's also very weak at shooting. Any gun will instantly kill this thing. Magically upgraded weapons will also help.
- Use the turpentine to quickly tear this boss to shreds.
- Any bow weapon can be used to remove it from the upper platforms outside of its arena. The Lava Arc will destroy it very quickly.
- Blacksmith Ed can craft the Lava Bow with the Soul of the Spider's Armor.
[5-2] Dirty colossus
The Dirty Colossus is a huge monster made of junk. Again, he's weak at shooting, so any magical (or magically-enhanced) weapon will defeat him quickly. Like all bosses in this area, he's a push-over.
- Use turpentine, black turpentine, or fire magic to kill her quickly.
- Go around his back and strike from behind.
- It's slow, so stay behind and you shouldn't have any problems.
[5-3] Maiden Astraea
The girl is not the problem in this fight. It is guarded by a powerful knight named Garl Vinland. His deadly weapon and massive shield make him difficult to pierce.
- Vinland is vulnerable to fire magic. Use Fire Spray and dodge it to weaken it. If you can control the timing of the parry, that's okay.
- For a simpler method, stand on the ledge overlooking the girl's alcove and shoot arrows down. She will heal herself, but if you're strong enough you can deal enough damage to her to take her down without even fighting her.
[1-3] Penetrator
Back on the main path, the Penetrator is an infamous boss of the series. He has a massive sword that he uses for push and swing attacks.
- All swing attacks can be dodged. Time your dodges to avoid them correctly. Just watch out for his blue slit attack.
- Stay slightly out of its attack range and be ready to run for an attack when it's open. Use your shield to negate the damage.
- I recommend using a heavy shield / spear for this fight for melee builds.
- Soul Arrow can be used to reduce his health from afar. Go around the arena and keep retreating, using Soul Arrow when you can.
- Fire Spray also does wonders in this fight.
[1-4] Old King Allant
The final boss of the game. Old King Allant is a faster and more deadly opponent than anything you have fought so far. He is graceful and quick with his sword, which makes him a true rival. Bring lots of healing items.
- Unlike other bosses, it is resistant to fire and magic. Just enter with your standard spear and shield. You will need to be able to perform quick throws.
- Stay out of reach of his sword. When it glows, it will try to use a Soulsuck special ability that steals one of your soul levels. You won't die, but you will definitely lose a level.
- Keep your shield in place and walk away. When he charges his AOE attack, sprint up close and attack to interrupt and get free kicks.
- Wait to heal when Allant walks slowly. This is your best chance.