Like everything in, it's a bit strange. You will find a broken bike very early on. It has no power and it is extremely rusty. The game doesn't explain exactly how to fix it, or what you need to do to power it up. Instead of crafting a battery, you will need to create a generator with the PCC that will charge the battery.
Fast travel is another Pandora's box. If you're curious, keep scrolling for quick answers to these burning questions.
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How To Get Your First Vehicle - Inverted Tricycle Guide
The Reverse Trike vehicle is parked outside the Distribution center west of the capital Knot City, but you can't use it right away. This area is accessible by Episode 2, and the vehicle requires a power source. Once you have acquired the power source, the motorcycle will charge automatically.
To have a source of energy, take the order 'Delivery of power units: wind farm', available at the Distribution Center after completing two other orders. You must complete the order to infiltrate the MULE camp and complete Chiron's crystal collection. After completing the quest, you will have the option to craft generator structures with the PCC.
À repair your first vehicle, the Reverse Trike, you have to drive it to a distribution center and park it on the circle where you can access your private room. Once the vehicle is parked, simply drop it off in your private lounge to automatically repair it.
How to unlock Fast Travel - Chiral Jump Power
The ability to travel quickly becomes available later in the game. In Episode 3: Fragile, you'll earn it very early on. When you reach the first distribution center, you will go to the private room to talk to Fragile.
There she will explain the situation in the Midwest. It will also add a new article to your private room. Focusing on Umbrella, you can choose to go to any major hub connected to the Chiral network. You can instantly return to previous locations to complete quests and improve your Porter rating!
Obviously, this skill is extremely useful. Any items you are currently carrying will be transferred to the private locker of the specific fulfillment center, so you will not be able to take them with you. It's always a godsend to travel from one place to another is so slow.