Where is the relic
The Relic is mentioned a lot in Cyberpunk 2077, and for good reason. This biochip is an important piece of technology that you will definitely want to find. And now is the best time to tear it off as the security is lighter than normal. But first, you have to find it. Luckily, Evelyn has everything you need to locate the relic, thanks to a few images of Braindance she has from Yorinobu. This is how you will locate and eventually obtain the relic.
Just follow all the conversations and cutscenes as this mission unfolds. Eventually you will enter the Braindance editor where you can find the relic. Here you have a few goals to follow and you will have to explore all aspects of the simulation to find what you are looking for.
You'll start with the audio layer, analyzing Yorinobu's phone when he starts his call around 30 seconds. After listening for over a minute, you'll hear that the relic requires special storage conditions, which is a great clue as to where it is.
You can now move on to the visual layer where you will need to locate Yorinobu's datapad with the instructions on how to store the relic. He'll be in the bedroom around 2:45 a.m., so go ahead and scan the datapad in his hands. This will tell you that the relic should be stored in a cold environment, possibly in a thermal box.
Speaking of thermal, isn't there also a thermal layer in the Braindance? Oh yeah, go to that now and you'll start to see various blue indicators for cold. Scan everything you see, but the most important is 35 seconds in the far corner of the main area near the windows. Here you will see a thermal safe containing the relic.
There is more to the Information mission like analyzing all the security systems and looking from Evelyn's point of view, so be sure to do those too if you are a Completist. But that's the answer to where the Relic is in Cyberpunk 2077, so hopefully that helps you through.