Monster Hunter World Iceborne is a new adventure in the already fantastic Monster Hunter World Game. With new locations, new rooms, new monsters and new equipment, there is a lot to do to unwind in this expansion. However, none of this takes place in Astera, which means you'll have to start the mission to get to the actual expansion location before you can truly enjoy the content.
Originally reported by PowerPyx, from Iceborne the mission is pretty straightforward. It's a bit like most story missions. While it's not quite the same, handy icons fly over the main NPCs.
Let's start with a few things first: You must have the Iceborne DLC and you must have played the main story and reached Rank 16 (Hunter 16). Beating the main story should get you there already.
Alright, PowerPyx covers all of this in great detail, including the screenshots. Everything is very standard Monster Hunter, so expect some of the usual occurrences. Of course, if you're like me, you probably skipped some of the pop-up text with a slight annoyance. That is why we have Internet guides.
If those first qualifying points are met (owning Iceborne and HR16), you'll have one of those easily ignored pop-ups that let you know some Legiana are fleeing the Ancient Forest and talk to someone called Feisty Fiver. You've probably met this person already since walking around the Quest Board and the Canteen.
Talking to Feisty Fiver will start the quest. Complete the first part of the quest by following the manager around the forest until you've triggered the cutscenes.
Go back to Astera and talk to the commander. This will take you to the reach of Hoarfrost where you will need to defeat Beotodus to complete the Iceborne quest. After defeating him, you will be taken to Selina, the new base of the Iceborne DLC.
Congratulations! You have unlocked the Iceborne content! Take advantage of additional story missions, monsters, and all available armor.