If you're already struggling with the Blackout mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 you will immediately notice the huge number of weapons that the Battle Royale Activision will make available to you. It goes without saying that each weapon that you will find during the various matches that you will face will go to marry with a different approach to gameplay, allowing you almost total freedom of action. However, as some may have understood, there are weapons much more suitable than others to deal with this new game mode of Black Ops 4. Based on what we've now written, in this guide we'll list all the weapons in the game and tell you which are best suited to the Blackout mode.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - All weapons in Blackout mode
As I said a few lines ago, Blackout mode is swarming with weapons. You'll find many different types, and each of them will ensure a different approach to gameplay, with a significantly different gunplay. From assault rifles to grenade launchers, through shotguns to sniper rifles: in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's Battle Royale there's something for everyone. Below is a list of all the weapons in Blackout mode, grouped by category.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout - Assault Rifles
- ICR-7
- Maddox RFB
- Galil (present in Zombie mode)
- KN-57
- Rampart-17
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout - Machine guns
- MX9
- Saug 9mm
- Cordite
- Spitfire
- MP-40 (present in Zombie mode)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout - Pump guns
- MOG-12
- SG-12
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout - LMG
- Zweihander(present in Zombie mode)
- Titan
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout - Precision rifles
- Paladin HB50
- Koshka
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout - Tactical rifles
- Swordfish
- Auger DMR
- ABR 223
- Essex Model 07
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout - Grenade launcher
- Hellion Salvo
- War Machine
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout - Guns
- Ray Gun (present in Zombie mode)
- Strife
- Mozu
What are the best weapons in Blackout mode
Now that we've listed all the weapons in the all-new C.O.D.'s Battle Royale mode, we're going to list the ones we think are the best to take on your opponents in Blackout mode, and that will allow you to remain the last player alive.
Paladin HB50
As in any self-respecting first-person shooter, in Black Ops 4 killing enemies while staying at a safe distance remains a very good option. In our experience so far with the Blackout mode, the best set up is a good assault rifle with a 2x sight, and a Paladin with a precision sight. The Paladin destroys armor without any problem, and is perfect in the abundant, wide open spaces that make up the Blackout maps. The Paladin, however, has fewer bullets than the other sniper rifle in the game, and is capable of killing even at great distances.
Auger DMR
The DMR is a single shot tactical rifle, and is the best solution for anyone who enters a match already in progress. Attach a 2x sight to the weapon and you've essentially got a sniper rifle. You can find the rifle in question in the Asylum area.
Hellion Salvo
You'll often find vehicles from Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's Blackout mode, and the final stages of each match will always be marked by the players left alive who really run the centre of the map on four-wheeled bikes. If you see a Hellion, grab it and head outside. Players aboard the previously mentioned vehicles will become cannon fodder in no time, thanks to a weapon that can lock onto the target in no time and can even hit at a good distance. You'll also be able to use the Hellion to eliminate your opponents while staying at a safe distance from them.
We've come to what appears to be, for all intents and purposes, the most popular weapon in Blackout mode: the VAPR. The reason for its wide use is easily understandable: its ease of use, as well as its versatility. The VAPR has great mobility, and can be lethal even at short range. Couple the VAPR with a 2x sight and you'll have a very solid and super precise all-rounder even at long range.
If VAPR is the most popular weapon in this Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 mode, we're sure the Titan will quickly become your favourite weapon from Treyarch's arsenal. The reason for this now lies in the ability of this LMG to destroy armor and vehicles with extreme ease, almost as if they were made of paper. If equipped and improved with the appropriate modifications, you'll have obtained the most devastating weapon in the game.
Ray Gun
The Ray Gun is as useful as it is funny. It's a gun that's generally capable of taking down your enemies in two shots, so it's always worth keeping it in good consideration. There is also the added advantage that you can mount a convenient laser sight on the gun in question, which will allow you to aim at your target much more easily, taking most of your shots.
Will new weapons be added to Blackout mode?

The answer to this question is yes. Treyarch has in fact confirmed its intention to add new weapons in the already vast roster of the Blackout mode. It is not known when this update will occur, nor if it will be weapons added on a permanent basis (through a patch, for example), or if they will appear for a limited period of time, perhaps related to particular events dedicated to online multiplayer. It is, however, very likely that some of the most iconic weapons in the series, and loved by its millions of fans, including the famous Barrett 50-cal.