Supercell, the creative Clash of Clans brand, seems to have given the target and has created the perfect recipe with a very attractive ingredients that have bedeviled a young audience, but in general, of all ages.
This Free 2 Play is a very simple game: are trying to find strategies to, on the one hand, to defend your clan and, on the other hand, fight battles in which must defend the main tower while trying to destroy enemy Tower.
Headings are not very long (3 to 4 minutes) so it is a dream to kill the dead moments play. The casual player can make a quick play between classes, in the queue at the supermarket or waiting for the train.
These and many other elements make it a game of great success. System with which the game works you ensures that you'll always be in battles with a rival of the same range, so get that never get discouraged because the victory is always feasible. Same way, if you lose many games, you come down-level, so fight with less range players and you can find balance in the battles.

80 million dollars of profit achieved in the first month
Another characteristic element of the game is that your progress is limited so you can chain several consecutive games but only to an extent. Then, you will have to pay. And people pay! Go if pay! More than 80 million dollars are the Supercell has got only the first month of the game. Since it went on the market, the game leads the lists of best selling applications, especially in China and in the United States, the two giants of the technology.
The game is perfectly designed and devised: fights battles with a maximum of eight different charts that you can getting and releasing as you play.
All perfectly designed to have you entertained a good time!
Supercell is already organizing and conducting tournaments around the world, with a great name of spectators.
The game continually get updates that is becoming more balanced and to be able to give a fresh touch the player with new options and features.
Clash Royale, with only two months of life, has revolutionized the whole Play Store and now in the month of may has had its biggest update, starring mainly by 6 new charts, new rewards, and a new system of spectator mode. Indeed, the most remarkable update has been the emergence of 6 new charts: 3 type legendary, epic type 2 and common type 1.
This type of cards are directly related to what we already knew of Clash of Clans: the spirits of fire, which are a troop of 3 'balls' of lava roll toward the enemy and then explode; the oven, a defense structure; the guards, a specialization of the skeletons with case and shield; the miner, a troop that can drop in any part of the map; Sprinkles, a sort of cart that moves to meet the tower or troop enemy that fires a beam, that regenerates every 5 seconds; The Hound of Lava which, like that in the Clash of Clans, is a monster of lava that being defeated loose Lava-mini-Sabuesos.
Spectator mode update includes the "TV Royale" to view the challenges of the rest of the clan with the possibility of encouraging one of them. Replays of the most incredible battles of any "Arena" can also be displayed.
From this update, it is also possible to win gold as a reward at the end of a battle, provided you have all the chests filled with eggs.
Speaking of chests: a novelty is that the chest of Crowns has doubled its capacity and chest Supermagico doubled your chances of being found.
In the same way that the game Clash of Clans that shared universe and which was inspired Clash Royale, the revolution that causes this game on Youtube makes hundreds of channels have million views offering different ways to get gems free or even on how to find tricks.
There are thousands of formulas to get free clash royale gems 2016 or clash of clans: Gums Up, for example, offers from a pile of gems, a bag or even a chest of gems. And get it is very easy: you participate in an advertising campaign that you please more or less idleness may give you, gain the necessary Gums and redeem them for a gift card (there are cards from € 1) or Paypal money, and already have what you need to catch the gems! And if you don't know how to get gems clash of clans, it's easy, in this blog you will find the solution!
In networks we can find millions of pages talking about the tips and tricks to win battles and battles both clash of clans and Clash Royale. With all this, there are also hundreds of Youtubers talking about the subject, and is that these two creations of Supercell had a smash hit on a high.
"I can not stop play this amazing game," say, and it is that you can play with both Android and iOS, provided they have internet access.
You know it: If you want a game that kill your downtime, Clash Royale will help you entertain and at the same time serve to make you think combat strategies, by coming up to them with your compatriots to go out winners in your battles and having the best clan of all.
If you're slightly competitive, you hook the most, climbing level or prestige to be the most powerful.
This strategy game is perfect to enjoy your Smartphone! In addition, download is free, and on gems... you know! Gums Up can be the perfect solution ;)
We invite you animes you to play this game, and if you liked the post, please do not hesitate to comment on our social networks. Enjoy your game!