As all fans of the Activision saga will surely know, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is the first incarnation of the franchise not to have a single player campaign. The title, as is now known, is completely focused on online multiplayer. On the other hand, however, the game has a much larger and more articulated Zombie mode than those previously seen. It will be the task of this mode, as well as Blackout, fill the gap left by the single player of the new C.O.D. Before you dive headlong into hordes of zombies, it is certainly useful to give a review of what are the basic tips and mechanics of this mode.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Everything you need to know about Zombie Mode
We begin immediately this our guide by saying that this zombie mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is definitely much more extensive and articulated than seen previously in the various titles of the franchise. Precisely for this reason, it is useful to collect all the tips and tricks that could be useful in facing the hordes of undead that await you. What is contained in this guide is aimed both at new recruits and "veterans" of the game: both can get an overview of what awaits them and launch into the action with the knowledge of what you will face.
There are currently three maps that you can find in this game mode: Voyage of Despair, Blood of the Dead and IX. If IX can be considered a smaller map, Voyage of Despair and Blood of the Dead are, on the other hand, definitely huge, and each of them can count on four different areas. The main currency of Zombies is made up of points, which you'll get for every shot you throw at a zombie. These points can then be spent on things like, for example, unlocking the boundaries of new areas, weapons, upgrades, benefits and much more. You should know that the Zombie mode Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 prefers "fast" weapons, in the sense of those that shoot as fast as possible. In this respect, weapons like the Spitfire, KN S7 and VAPR are deadly against the undead.
However, if you're already thinking of shooting the head, you'd better sharpen your aim: hitting a zombie's head, in fact, automatically means inflicting more damage. Also, in case one of your allies should die and you intend to resurrect him, it's only fair that you should know that the time in question has been lengthened. For this very reason, before you decide to resurrect a friend of yours, you would do well to take a look around the surrounding areas. As you may have guessed, in this zombie mode, teamwork is of paramount importance.
A team that acts and moves in a cohesive manner will be able to survive the most advanced waves of Zombie Mode. Based on what has now been said, choose your class carefully (there will be some specially designed for this mode) and always keep your health under control, being well aware that it will never be so much.
All the missions in the Zombie mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 there are three campaigns available since the beginning of the Zombie mode. This is a welcome change from the latest iterations of the series, which were adding more levels and campaigns to Zombie Mode only as a paid DLC. This year's Zombie Mode could be just an appetizer of what awaits us, with a wild zombie on board the Titanic and a gladiator arena dominated by hand-to-hand combat.
All three campaigns have received their own trailers, which shed light on what players can expect. We have analysed each of them in detail, both for visual pleasure and to get an idea of the various characters, setting and gameplay that we will find in the Zombie mode of .
All characters in the Zombie Mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
The Zombie mode in the game developed by Treyarch will see alternating four different characters, who will find themselves in different places and at different times to fight the zombie apocalypse in which they found themselves catapulted. Below, we give you some details about the identity and characteristics of each of the various protagonists of this game mode.
Scarlett Rhodes
Scarlett is shown as a safecracker, and with double-handle guns in the Voyage of Despair trailer. In IX's trailer, she can be seen with a double sword, so this seems to be her area of expertise. It is not clear how different the characters are from each other, but judging by what we've seen so far, Scarlett will be more adept with firearms than the others.
Diego Necalli
Next is Diego, who seems to be quite similar to a thief. He's shown using knives instead of guns when he's on board the Titanic and seems to encourage hand-to-hand combat.
Bruno Delacroix
Bruno seems to be the most brutish character of the group. He uses his fists instead of swords or guns, and is shown punching a large number of zombies. He's likely to be similar to Diego, as he'll specialise in short-range combat.
Stanton Shaw
Shaw's turn finally came. He's definitely an expert in explosives, which he uses to shoot down zombies and, of course, to destroy objects in the game environment around him. This lost will undoubtedly come in handy when we find ourselves fighting hordes of undead. As a final feature, it looks like Shaw has many variations of bombs at his disposal.
Customized matches and single player matches

This year's Zombie mode adds custom modes to what we already knew. Players will be able to set their own games with various rules and bonuses. There will be 100 mutations available in the game, which will alter just about everything from zombie speed to player health. Users can use the mutations now described to modify each game as they like, and share them online. The above will allow the creation of custom leaderboards, with players able to play the custom modes designed by others.
These new features allow the addition of seasonal and thematic updates, which are planned to be introduced into the game periodically. Short events called Callings will also be added at regular intervals.
In the Zombie mode of Black Ops 4, moreover, you can play entirely alone, as always, but this time you can count on the support of AI Bots to make up for any lack of teammates. This is the first episode of the Call of Duty series to adopt a solution of this kind, while, if you had previously wanted to play alone, you would have been virtually stuck almost immediately, especially considering the fact that you could be killed by a zombie in a few shots. All this, as you may have deduced, made things rather difficult, but now the problem has finally been solved.
You can also play the Zombie mode Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 in Split Screen. When you are in a private lobby of the mode in question, you can select the button just below your online ID to add another player via the split screen. This doesn't mean you have to play with only two players, as you can always add AI Bots to your game after adding another player to the match in the way we just described.