In the Pokémon lists below, those marked with an asterisk "*" currently have a chance to appear in their shiny form. The chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon without any type of Special Event is around 1 in 450. These odds make it much easier than finding a Shiny Pokemon in the main Pokemon series games, but the odds may still be higher. improve. The highlight highlighted for this first September event is Lotad!
Event tasks
Spinning Pokestops during this first September event has a chance to give you one of the few new research tasks, most of which are very useful.
- Fight another trainer: 5 mega energy for Blastoise, Charizard or Venusaur
- Raid Battle: 500 Stardust
- Win 3 Raids: Aerodactyl *
- Win 5 Raids: Chansey *
- Win a mega raid: Cranidos
- Win a raid: Lotad *
Try to focus on the Win a Raid task and win 3 Raid if you think you will be raiding with your free passes. However, the Win a Raid task and Win 5 Raid can also have non-event rewards that could cause you to encounter a Monferno or an Aerodactyl respectively. The Monferno from the Win a Raid task has no chance of being brilliant and could make finding Lotads more frustrating. If your goal is to find a good, shiny Lotad to add to your collection, finding one through a research task ensures that its rating will be at least 2 or more starts!
If you continue to complete at least one task each day, the Research Breakthrough Weekend reward in September will be an Alolan Raichu who also has a chance to be brilliant.
Wild spawns
- Open *
- Aerodactyl *
- Beldum *
- Cranidos
- Electabuzz
- Exeggcute *
- Larvitar *
- Lotad *
- Magnemite *
- Murkrow *
- Omanyte *
- Rhyhorn *
- Roselia *
- Tangela *
- Torchic *
- Treecko *
Almost all spawn boosted for this event have a chance to be shiny! If you're trying to find the featured Shiny Lotad, exploring Pokestops near water or using an Ice Lure might improve your odds. Otherwise, keep an eye out for nearby radar. September 1 will also feature Eevee in an hour of dual-capture XP projectors starting at 18 p.m. at 19 p.m. local time, which could earn you a brilliant with 7 (soon 8) possible evolutions! Houndour will also be presented on the 8th with double catch candies; this might be a good time to find a good candidate for the eventual Mega Houndoom.
During this first Mega Event in September, you will receive an attack bonus if you raid with friends! Mega Raids have been a bit controversial since their recent introduction and have received huge fan responses, but there is still a lot of hope for their future in the way the developers rate the comments. Joining multiple Mega Raids for Mega Evolve a Pokemon just so you can only use it for more Raids seems like a bad incentive. Until the system improves, there is at least one small benefit that Mega Raids can all be potentially brilliant when you catch them. Right now, there are four possible mega raids:
- Mega Blastoise *
- Mega Charizard X *
- Mega Charizard Y *
- Mega Venusaur *
Even if the Mega Energy reward isn't substantial, you have a chance to get a shiny version of Blastoise, Charizard, or Venusaur. Unfortunately, the mega raiding climax will also erase some of the other Tier 3 and Tier 1 raids which can also be shiny, but these will return once the first September event is over and the next one begins. The Silph Road keeps a good overview of what's currently available in the game if you want to learn more about raids and non-event research tasks.