How to level up quickly
Let me start by clarifying that there are two things you need to level up in the world of Bravely Default 2. Your jobs and your characters. Jobs have their own level caps, each reaching up to 12. Your character's level is an entirely different story and can reach much higher than that, increasing your overall stat abilities.
Unlike the ways available to quickly increase your jobs, for your character levels you only have two ways to increase XP income. First, I'll start with the one that is also used to increase your JP earned during battles. It would be Combat chains. It's a system that takes place whenever you fight more than one enemy pack in the Overworld, in a single fight. If you end up attracting more than one monster, waves of enemies will come upon you without leaving the combat phase. If you end up winning, you received an increased amount of JP and of course, XP points. Therefore, it is highly advisable to try to stack enemies in the Overworld.
Then we have the Experiment with orbs. These are items that provide an instant amount of XP to a given character, and if you have more than one, you can use them all at once to immediately level up a character. These can be obtained through chests, side quests, sharp items like grass in the outside world, and of course expeditions. Using this feature, you can start an inactive “background” quest, with a timer. When this countdown is over, the quest is over and you earn some goodies, like these orbs. Note that the expedition works in a real-time environment, even when you are not playing the game. Just leave your Switch on for more and the timer will eventually run out.
At the moment, these are the best ways to improve your characters quickly. The game has just been released, so if there are more methods found in the future, this guide will be updated accordingly.
Bravely default 2 is exclusively available on the Nintendo Switch.