Not only are intel collectibles hard to find, the puzzles can be quite tricky - especially the Operation Chaos puzzle. If you need help decoding and accessing the floppy disk, we've got a full explanation of the puzzles and locations of all the collectibles for both missions. Doing these missions slightly alters the outcome of your ending, and they're full additional missions to play - so they're worth experiencing.
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How to unlock Operation Chaos
- Intel n ° 1: Nowhere Left To Run - When questioning Qasim, be sure to talk to him instead of immediately killing him. He'll give you some information.
- Intel n ° 2: Brick in the Wall - Complete the secondary objective to save or silence the captured German spy. In the room where they are held, you will find a collection of disseminated information on the desk.
- Intel n ° 3: Redlight, Greenlight - In the American Street simulation, go to the bar to the right of Burger Town. Upstairs there is a Russian desk with a map on the wall. To take a picture.
How to solve: There are two parts of the password. Each password is randomly generated, so you have to solve the puzzle. Both sets of numbers are from "Broadcasting the Number Station" - use this to find each piece of password.

First password: The first part is solved by the flyleaf Intel. There are letters highlighted in red - these letters form a jumble that can be decoded into the name of an American city. Match the city with the numbers on the Station broadcast numbers to get the first password. Enter the numbers for the first part of the password.
- Examples: The letters highlighted in red on the intel "Observer's first page" are: S, R, N, L, H, O, E, A, C, T
- Decipher the letters to get "Charleston" - check the Numbers Station information for the code [[1, 5, 6, 4]

Second part of the password: Look for a pattern on the Coded message. Red and black have separate patterns. The goal is to find four numbers that correspond to a city on the Station broadcast numbers Intel.
- Examples: Red numbers - 44 - ?? - 52 - 56 - 60
- Reply: ?? = 48 - The scheme is that each number increases by +4.
- Example 2: Black numbers - 06 - ?? - 13 - 15 - 16
- Reply: ?? = 10 - The pattern +4, +3, +2, +1.
The example gives us the code [[4, 8, 1, 0] which corresponds to the city of Boston. Enter the password[[Boston] - or whatever city you get.
How to unlock Operation Red Circus
- Intel n ° 1: Brick in the Wall - While infiltrating Kraus' apartment, enter the living room (where his wife answers the phone) and look for a vent. Delete it to find this information easy to miss.
- Intel n ° 2: Echoes Of A Cold War - After separating from Woods, you will climb a ladder to reunite and enter a control room with the objective of "Watching the Dig Site" - look to the right to pick up information on Table.
- Intel n ° 3: Desperate Measures - Found during your stealth mission at KGB HQ. May appear in the recording room, data entry or other areas. Check each piece if you can't find it.

How to solve: Examine the three pieces of evidence - each piece has three code names (for example, "Bearded Lady", "Strong Man" and "Juggler") - two pieces of information tell you the locations, and one tells you if the suspect is a man or woman.
Check all three pieces of information and cross-references with “Review Topics” to see their last known travel locations. Use the three clues to match each suspect.
- Examples: Wristwatch Proof - A bearded lady visits Rome, Italy. Cassette Tape - Bearded Lady is male. Ledger - Bearded Lady visits Vienna, Austria.
- Reply: Aaron Lee, Male, Recent trips list includes Rome, Italy and Vienna, Austra.
Go through the three suspects to select the three suspects and complete the puzzle. Select your targets and start the mission.
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