While your Astral Chain character is tasked with saving the world from an invasion of interdimensional demons, that doesn't mean they can't take the time to save humble aisle cats along the way. There is a group of stray cats that need your help scattered throughout the game. You can find one in every level (except the epilogue, which has four), and collecting them all gets you a unique hat. , as well as the affection of your new four-legged friends. We will iterate through the location of each chat by File.
File 01
The first cat you find is in the open; you need to know where to look. During file 01, you will have the objective of saving a man on a burning road bridge. Once the man is found, look for a bright yellow car among the burning debris. It should be between an overturned bus and a concrete barrier. This cat, named Kinder, takes a nap right in front of the car.
File 02
Towards the end of the mission, you will be asked to protect a group of civilians on Grand Avenue. When this is over, you will need to look for survivors. Instead, head south from the objective marker, to the end of the platform you're standing on, and you should see an alley to your left. Head down the aisle and use your Legion to lift and throw the dumpster at the end. You'll find Walnut below.
File 03
After completing part of this mission that takes place in the Astral Chain, you will find yourself on a rooftop. Head to the northeast corner of the roof and go down the stairs. There you will find the third cat, Milky.
File 04
At the bottom of where you find Jena in the Arc Mall, you'll see a large piece of debris next to the spiral staircase. Go around the stairs and across the debris to find a cat named Bran.
File 05
After receiving the objective to rescue civilians on the subway, starting from the yellow line platform of the Harmony Square subway station, head north on the map (the area will be highlighted for a parallel case if you have not yet completed it). . From there you can enter a metro car on the path to your right. Head about halfway on the train and exit through the door marked with number 2. You will come to a platform where you can find Smee the cat hiding under a bench.
File 06
As you pursue Douglas for a mission objective, you will find Danny the Cat hiding in some trash in a small hallway near the center of the most important part of the west side of the map (Upper Camp Level - Building Four) . This one can be a bit tricky to find, but you can use your Iris to spot it a bit easier.
File 07
This one takes a lot more maneuvering than anything else so far. As you follow the homunculus, you will eventually find yourself on the roof map of Rayleigh Plaza. From the elevator bay, continue left past the helipad until you reach a point where you can enter a small passage between a low building on the right and a larger one on the left. On the side of this building is a yellow ladder that you can knock down and then knock down. From the rooftop, use your Legion to climb into the taller building, then descend from the edge onto a platform where you'll find the seventh cat, Nero.
File 08
Near the start of the level, you can enter an underground parking lot on Grand Avenue. Head inside, then stay right and go as far as you can. You will find an officer trying to get a cat out from under a car. Offer him some cat food and your next cat, Chano, will join you.
File 09
From Harmony Square, head south past the Harmony Multimedia Center. To your left you will see a row of red awnings and you will find a cat named Mia near one of these awnings. When you approach Mia, she will jump back, making her impossible to pick up. To collect Mia, you need to throw a can nearby, which will cause her to walk towards the sound. Even if Mia is distracted, you can look for her.
File 10
As you work to fix the broken door detector, head southeast to the lower level of the camp, where there is a room that extends lower than everything else on the map. Talk to your cat lover and offer to help you find Yuki, a cat she's looking for. The Cat Lover will mark the places Yuki likes to hide on your map.
Instead of checking them out, head to the far northeast of the map, where you'll find the Cat Lover in a blocked tunnel and collect some Catnip. Summon the Legion of the Beast and give her catnip, then follow her while she smells after the scent. You'll need to summon the Legion again and show them catnip again when they lead you up a ladder. Eventually, your Beast Legion will lead you to an area where you will have to enter the Astral Plane to save Yuki.
File 11
The discovery of vanilla is child's play after the challenge of the last cats. Starting from the secret base southwest of the lower level of the camp, head north, down the alley at the far west of the map. Climb the ladder to the fire escape that you will see on your right and follow the path to the end to find the cat hidden in a cardboard box.
File 12 (R1-6)
You will find the first of the Epilogue cats on the Ark Sewer Management map. On the north side of the map, you will see a long hallway connecting two circular chambers. Just before the door to reach this area is a hallway with a stack of stacked cardboard boxes. You will find Nightshade in one of the boxes.
File 12 (R2-2)
The largest room in the ARI Legionis laboratory is largely inaccessible, it can only be viewed through windows in the areas to be explored. Enter from the south side of the lobby of this room (from the room filled with large purple crystals) and you will find BB hidden under the desk, further to the left.
File 12 (R2-8)
At the southern end of the Forgotten Rooftops map, you'll find a ladder leading up to one of the metal pillars against the notice boards to the right. It blends in perfectly with the surroundings, but you will find it at the very end of the barbed wire line at the edge of the roof. Go see Theo under a tank, just to your right.
File 12 (R2-B2)
Near the center of the lower camp level map, down the aisle on the west side, you'll find a set of stairs leading upwards with lots of red material in the small area to the right of the stairs. At the end of this short path you will see a dumpster. Use your legion to pick it up and you'll find Amber behind.
With that, you should have all 15 cats hidden in Astral Chain. You'll get the Cat Ear Headband just by completing the order in your menu and the Lazy Cat Beanie by talking to Marie at Neuron Headquarters.