Season 6 is a great time to dive into Apex Legends. Battle Royale just had a pretty big meta-change, so the playing field is about as even as it gets between veteran players and newcomers. If you're just getting started, here are the essential tips we can give you to make your journey in Apex Legends easier and more fun.
Our first tip is to play with friends because the single player queue is a nightmare. You will come across players who do not communicate or are ineffective. You will often be paired with less skilled players who are holding you back or overly aggressive desperados who rush in without you. In the rare event that you land a good team, you should invite them after the game and try to maintain the synergy.
Ping intelligent
Don't ping too much, especially in combat. If your teammates shoot, it means they already have a target. Don't overwhelm their battle awareness with unnecessary noise.
Conversely, do not hesitate to point out a danger if you think you have heard or seen someone. It's better to go wrong and have to cancel the ping rather than not pinging at all and allowing your team to be ambushed.
Use meta legends and guns
It's Season 6, and more than ever, it looks like Apex Legends will never be perfectly balanced. During the early season development stream, Respawn developers openly discussed their inability to field different legends in terms of power. Their internal data shows that, despite the recent nerfs, Wraith and Pathfinder have the best combat hits of all legends, and Bloodhound has the worst. This has been the case for at least 6 seasons so far. You can work really hard trying to make chronically under-tuned things work, or you can use meta legends and guns and win games.
Don't wear unnecessary loot
Inventory space is limited in Apex Legends, with important items like grenades and Phoenix kits each occupying an entire backpack slot. Don't drag items around unless they definitely come into play. Things to Avoid: Moving spawn beacons, parts and ammo for weapons you don't have, more than a single ultimate booster.
Learn not to do things
Situational awareness and self-control are the main factors for success in Apex Legends. You can fight, craft, revive, respawn, scan beacons, execute enemies, build bunkers, and more - but doing any of these things carelessly can easily draw unnecessary attention to you and kill. your whole team. Learn to always take a little time before you take action and tell your team what you are about to do.