How to get more rocks
Let's start with the one that's a little harder to get, and more physically challenging. Rocks come in several varieties, including iron nuggets, clay, and stone. But almost all of them are acquired by the same methods. So knowing how to get more rocks is pretty much all you need to know. The rest will come from just repeating the process over and over again until you have everything you need. What is this process?
Well, to get stones you have to hit stones. Find a boulder on the island and get ready to hit it again and again with your tool. Either a shovel or an ax will do. I prefer the shovel though, as you can dig holes in the corner near the rock, avoiding the area right next to it.
Basically you want to create an open border where the crafting material can fall all around the rock, and then form a barrier behind where you will stand so you don't bounce out of range. Once that's done, simply sweep away with the shovel or ax, making sure every hit connects. There's a small window to trigger strikes, so do it quickly and you'll end up with tons of nuggets of iron, clay, and stone. You can do this on each rock every day, so make it a routine.
How to get more sticks and branches
Sticks and branches are similar. Branches will naturally fall from trees, although shaking them while walking and pressing A will sometimes cause more to fall. Beware of wasps they will attack if you disturb them. The branches, otherwise known as wood, softwood, and hardwood, are a bit different. For this you need an ax.
A brittle or stone ax to be precise, although others like the regular ax will drop sticks, they also harm trees, so best to avoid if not necessary. Hit the tree three times with your ax and your sticks or wood will fly off and land on the ground. Just like the rocks you can repeat this every day so get used to it, if you need more wood and sticks.
Hope this answers the question of how to get more rocks, sticks, and branches in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.