Ancestors: The Human Odyssey does a remarkable job of emphasizing discovery and learning for both the great ape hominid character and the human player. As the game progresses and players help their characters learn and deepen their knowledge, players must also discover the same methods through trial and error. The only difference is that players can do it safely instead of being chased by giant eagles and jumping from tree to tree.
Because the game allows players to learn with the character, understanding the game world can be both fun and frustrating. As a human player you want to make a spear, you have that idea in your very human mind, but unlike a survival game where you play as a human and unlock the spear, you have to teach your monkey how to make one. However, you don't know the mechanics of the game to create one, which forces you to play as confused and chaotic as the chimpanzee.
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How to create and use tools:
Crafting tools is primarily trial and error. You'll need to be able to swap items from hand to hand first, but the game gives you one pretty early on. In order to craft a sharp stick, you must first find a dead branch and study it.
Once it's in your memory, you can edit it. Modifying it depends a bit on the article. A dead branch won't break as easily as a slingshot, but it can still break. Modifying a dead branch strips it off smaller branches and makes it into a stick.
Congratulations! You have a stick! This is your first real tool!
To use this tool, affected objects light up when you are nearby. For example, a stick can be used to push a particularly heavy rock. Everything is indicated in the corner.
Back to this spear. You will need basalt specifically to sharpen the stick. Not all rocks are created equal in this game. With the basalt in one hand and the stick in the other, you can modify the stick by hitting it with the basalt. Again, this is an instigated streak and, depending on the length of the wind-up, she could break the stick.
If done right, it will sharpen the stick.
As with a lot of things in the game, a lot of discoveries are made by playing and experimenting. That's pretty true, so keep experimenting and stumbling through the jungle with this sharp stick.