How to sabotage
Sabotaging Among Us is a detailed yet straightforward process. First of all, all you have to do is hit the "tamper" button right next to the kill button. This brings up a map with several options that you can use to stop the progress of all of the teammates listed below.
This option can be used on most card doors. This method is particularly useful for isolating your victim before killing them, and is quick enough to escape through a vent after the act is done.
This option is a great method to confuse your victim while remaining invisible. Once you've killed you can quickly escape, and there's a good chance the body won't be seen for a while.
This option causes oxygen depletion in the area and two crew members will have to work together to restore oxygen, making it a good distraction, or can be used to separate your victim from the group.
The communications
One of the most effective sabotage methods. This option closes navigation tools, the task list, and other special functions such as cameras and heart monitors. This method is especially useful for stopping teammates' movements, making them easier to take off.
Reactor fusion
This is the most widely used method of sabotage. This causes an alarming noise and similar to the oxygen method, will have to be stopped by at least two teammates, or everyone dies, and the game ends.
While each of these methods can be used multiple times mid-game, all have a 17 second cooldown, and some may take longer to function depending on the situation, so it's best to plan accordingly for get the best results.