Learn your common tasks
On each map, there are common tasks that are assigned to each player. If you are an impostor, use this to your advantage to find out which tasks you can safely fake without attracting suspicion. You can see the common tasks for each card below.
- Skeld - Correction of wiring, magnetic card
- Mira's Seat - Fix the wiring, enter the identification code
- Poles - Repair the wiring, insert the keys, scan the boarding pass
Learn the viewing distances of team members
Crewmembers can only see a certain distance, and you can kill players essentially in the open if you learn Crewmate's range of vision. This can be adjusted in the settings, just like the impostor's vision, so don't rely on i
Remember camera locations
Just when you think you've committed the perfect murder, a teammate on the other side of the map calls an emergency meeting and tells you they saw you on cameras. Learn where the cameras are on each map so you know what seemingly isolated spaces you should avoid as an impostor. You can also use it to reinforce your supposed alibi.
Map vents for reference
Vents can be used as both an escape tool and a fast moving system, and every imposter worth their salt knows where each vent is connected. You can also use this information as a crew member to shut down another player's supposed alibi if you know they could have exposed themselves in a room after killing someone elsewhere.
Know which tasks are visual tasks
Not all tasks are visual tasks, but a few tasks accompanied by animations can prove your innocence. Never try to fake these tasks as an impostor and make sure someone sees you doing them if you are a teammate. Each visual task in the game is listed below.
- Clear asteroids
- Submit analysis
- Take out the trash
- Empty chute
- Prime Shields
Find out how long tasks take
If you plan to simulate a task, it's a good idea to know how long that task usually takes to complete. If you try to simulate the Erase Asteroids task but only stay nearby for three seconds, you are going to look incredibly suspicious to onlookers. You can also use it to your advantage to spot imposters.
Check the rooms as you pass them
Imposters always try to kill crew members out of sight, so make a habit of checking every room for bodies as you pass unless you really need to get somewhere fast. Someone may have been killed looking at cameras in security and you'll never know unless you've poked your head.
Keep your communication consistent
If you talk a lot, make sure you talk a lot in every game. If you want to stay quiet and let everyone argue, you better do that in every game. Keep your communication consistent so you don't sound suspicious. If a silent player speaks more often than usual, he is immediately seen as a possible impostor by most players.
Try the AFK strategy
If you are an impostor, you can try to get an easy kill by pretending you are AFK. Don't move when the match starts and wait for everyone to leave. Stay completely still until someone walks by. Kill anyone who approaches, then return to your AFK position and wait for someone else to denounce the body. Pretend to come back during the discussion and make up an excuse to know where you were. If you cheated on everyone, you will be free from suspicion. It doesn't work with experienced players and it doesn't work more than once, but it's a smart strategy to use.
Be prepared to sabotage the lights in case someone approaches a body
If you kill someone and know other players are nearby. be prepared to turn off the lights in case they start to direct you. You can get away with casualties in the open if you sabotage the lights when someone arrives, and you can even frame that person after the lights are fixed and the body is reported if you say you want them. saw it coming from where the body was found.
Don't erase someone just because you followed them
It's a common tactic to stay close to someone to show you're innocent, but smart imposters will take advantage. Don't assume someone is safe just because you followed them, they didn't kill you. They might try to gain your trust so that you defend them after you kill later in the game.
Work with your teammates to impost
You should try to work with your impost allies if you are in a lobby with more than one impostor. You can't communicate with them directly, but there are some strategies you can try to coordinate an attack. Try closing the door to suggest a double kill with your teammate Imposter, or do the universal “side-by-side dance” to signal that you're ready for a multi-kill.
Be careful when the lights go out
This tip is more for the impostors out there. Most impostors get arrogant when the lights go out and think they deserve a free kill, but you should still beware of crew members in the dark. You'd be surprised how easy it is to hit a body in the dark, and you might get caught killing by the time the lights come back on.
Complete your tasks as a ghost
This one is obvious, but it's worth saying for those in the back. Please complete your tasks when you do. Just because you're a ghost doesn't mean you can go to AFK and ignore your responsibilities. Your teammates will hate you and you will ruin the game. Please don't be that person.
Don't self-identify all the time
Self-declaration is a useful tool, but you shouldn't do it all the time. Especially later in the game, self-ratings can be very suspicious when it is easy to keep tabs on each player's location. However, self-reports are very useful early in the game, as most crew members are reluctant to vote against anyone after the first murder unless there is conclusive evidence or a witness.
Communications sabotage disables cameras
Communications is certainly one of the weakest sabotages in the game, but a lot of people don't know that it does more than turn off the tasklist. It turns off cameras when it's active, and it even turns off some of the stuff in the admin room. It's still situational sabotage, but it's a useful tool to have in case you need it.
Don't be too aggressive during discussions
If you blame all the chances you have, everyone will soon think that you are the impostor. Don't push too hard during chats, especially after a body is flagged. People will start to think that you are shifting the blame to save yourself, and it's hard to recover when everyone is suddenly determined to be the impostor.
Go for Stack Kills
Stack kills are a classic strategy among us, and for good reason. They are a sure-fire way to pull off an easy kill and get everyone really confused. If multiple players are stacked on top of each other, usually trying to fix the lights or complete a joint task, imposters can kill someone and get away with it because there is no way to know with it. certainty who committed the murder unless someone has a keen eye. .
Kill talkative teammates first
Some players are better detectives than others, and those players have to go. If you are the impostor, note who is leading the discussions and investigations when bodies are discovered. Try to kill these players, especially if they understand you. Don't do this if it puts you in doubt (obviously), but try to eliminate the loudest and most chatty players first.
Learn the viewing distances of team members
Crewmembers can only see a certain distance, and you can kill players in the open if you learn Crewmate's range of vision. This can be adjusted in the settings, as can the Impostor's vision, so don't be overly reliant on it. Still, it's a useful tool to have in your Imposter arsenal.
Start moving immediately at the start of the turn
Don't wait in the starting area when the game starts. Always start walking. Impostors usually take a second or two to think about where to go, as they don't want to appear suspicious. A good teammate always heads for their first task and you want to do your best to look like a good teammate.
Don't do visual tasks without someone watching
Visual tasks are a tool. They can save your life. If you are a teammate, do not perform a visual task without someone looking at you to confirm that you are innocent. It's a sure-fire way to show that you are a teammate and that you don't want to prove your innocence without a witness or two. Also, if you are an impostor, don't try to fake these tasks. People can see that you are faking it and they will definitely vote for you.
Sabotage to keep teammates away from bodies
Use your sabotage to keep people away from your victims. If you kill someone in Navigation on the far right of the Skeld map, initiate a Reactor Merge to lure everyone to the other side of the map. The same goes for any other card. You'll put everyone in one place, and you can just say you're heading towards resolving the emergency if someone sees you running away from the body.
Get yourself an alibi
Being a lone wolf is very suspicious. You need to have an alibi, especially when the number of crew starts to drop. You have to show people that you are innocent. Do as many tasks as you can and try to get someone to watch you do a visual task. If all else fails, stick with a group or partner so someone can vouch for you.
Always vote
Voting is important. Even if it's just to skip, make sure to always vote during a chat. Not voting can seem suspicious, even if you forget to do so, and players will start to draw conclusions based on who you vote for or who you don't vote for. Voting to jump can also save the life of another crew member if the votes to jump outnumber the votes for someone else.
Pretend you're new
This strategy doesn't work more than once or fool experienced players, but there's a lot you can get away with if you pretend you've never played with us before. Just tell everyone that you are new and still figuring it out. Constantly stop and pull your card up to act lost, and be very vague with job descriptions and room names so people think you don't know what they are. It stops working quickly, but if you can cheat a bunch of players, you can pretty much get an easy win.
Stay in a group
Don't separate if you don't have to. Being alone is a death sentence, especially if most of the other crew members are on the other side of the map. If you have a very remote task in an isolated area, maybe wait until someone else needs to get there. Impostors are less likely to strike when you have company, and you can keep more people alive this way.
Don't wait for others to fix a sabotage
If anything is sabotaged, please fix it. A lot of people just assume that the other crew members will go fix the reactor meltdown or whatever emergency the impostors caused, and a lot of times that means no one is going to fix it at all because everyone thought that someone else would. Just to be sure, go fix it yourself. Otherwise, the Impostors could score an easy victory.