All types of Temtem, their strengths and weaknesses

All types of Temtem, their strengths and weaknesses

Temtem is all about collecting creatures and fighting against them. Types are an essential aspect of the game, and all Temtem will have a type that makes them either weak or strong against other types. Knowing these guys to counter each other is essential when making your squad or facing a specific battle.

Types of Temtem

There are twelve different types in the game:

  • Glass
  • Digital
  • Earth
  • Electric
  • Feu
  • Melee
  • Mental
  • The nature
  • Neutral
  • Toxic
  • Water
  • Wind
Strengths and weaknesses of Temtem

The key thing to know about strengths and weaknesses is that they can differ depending on whether we are discussing attacking or defending. All Temtem have other types of Temtem that they are effective or ineffective against. They will also take less or more damage depending on the type of ability used against them. This mechanic can be a bit confusing, so we've listed all of the types and how they interact with each other below.

Keep in mind that Temtem can learn new abilities and attacks, so just because you're facing a Wind type doesn't mean all of their attacks will be Wind-type.

For a quick reference on how types interact, you can use the graphic below, which was created by Redditor Asura64.


  • Effective against electric and mental type
  • Ineffective against fire and terrestrial type
  • Take less damage from Electric, Mental, and Toxic-type abilities
  • Deals more damage from Fire, Earth, and Melee-Type abilities


  • Effective against mental, digital and melee types
  • Not ineffective against any type
  • Take less damage from Toxic-type abilities
  • Take more damage from Water, Electric, and Digital-type abilities


  • Effective against fire, electricity and crystal type
  • Ineffective against water, nature and type of wind
  • Take less damage from Fire, Electric, Crystal, and Toxic-type abilities
  • Take more damage from Water, Nature, Wind, and Melee abilities


  • Effective against water, mind, wind and digital type
  • Ineffective against nature, electricity, earth and crystals
  • Take less damage from electric and wind-type capabilities
  • Taking more damage from Earth and Crystal abilities


  • Effective against nature and crystal type
  • Ineffective against fire, water and soil type
  • Take less damage from Fire, Nature, and Crystal Type abilities
  • Take more damage from Water and Earth-type abilities


  • Effective against Earth and Crystal Type
  • Ineffective against mental and melee type
  • Take less damage from melee-type abilities
  • Take more damage with mental and digital-type abilities


  • Effective against neutral and melee type
  • Ineffective against Crystal Type
  • Take less damage from neutral-type and melee-type abilities
  • Take more damage from Electric, Digital, and Crystal-type abilities

The nature

  • Effective against water and soil type
  • Ineffective against fire, nature and poisonous type
  • Take less damage from Water, Nature, Electricity, and Earth-type abilities
  • Take more damage from Fire and Toxic-type abilities


  • Not effective against any type
  • Ineffective against the mental type
  • Does not take less damage from type abilities
  • Take more damage from mind-type abilities


  • Effective against water and nature
  • Ineffective against Earth, Digital, Crystal, and Toxic Type
  • Take less damage from Water and Nature-type abilities
  • Take more damage from Wind-type abilities


  • Effective against fire, earth and digital type
  • Ineffective against water, nature and poisonous type
  • Take less damage from Fire, Water, and Earth-type abilities
  • Take more damage from Nature, Electric, and Toxic abilities


  • Effective against Earth and Toxic Type
  • Ineffective against electric and wind types
  • Take less damage from Earth and Wind-type abilities
  • Take more damage from Electric-type abilities

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