It's astonishing, at least for this writer, that Pokémon Go is still as popular today as it was when it was first released three years ago. Do not mistake yourself; I understand that Pokémon is a huge deal, but I honestly thought Pokémon Go would be nothing more than a flash in the panic that people would miss after a month or so.
Oh boy i was wrong
Since it's still running and many of you are out to go catch them all over the world, then it seems logical to think it's time we took a look at all of the exclusive Pokémon in the game. region. can find across the world.
Pokémon region 1 exclusive
This leek carrying a little man can only be caught in Asia. Which is weird as the leek in Wales suggests.
With a pouch and resembling an armored kangaroo, so it's no surprise that Kangaskhan is currently exclusive to the Oceania region.
M. Mime
I hate mimes they freak me out so imagine how happy I was to find out this weird guy was hanging out in Europe. The place where I live.
This bull can be found in North America. Please insert your own jokes about America being full of bulls.
Pokémon region two exclusive
Is it me or this little guy looks like a trash can trying to swallow a fish? Well, whatever they do, you can find them in Central America and South America.
I always thought Corsola was playing for Arsenal, proves what I know. Either way, you can find it in the tropics, specifically along the equator.
Third Generation Pokémon, Regional Exclusive
This angry looking Pokémon can be found in Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Seviper can be found in North America, South America, and Africa. So go get that snake.
Best Friends With Lunatone (Oh, sun and moon, now I get it!), You can find Solrock in North America, South America, and Africa.
I don't like mimes and I hate insects. This nightmare fuel can be found in Europe, Asia and Australia.
No more bugs, no more nightmares for yours. Find it in North America, South America, and Africa.
Apparently made from palm leaves, you can find Tropius in Africa.
A steam-punk turtle found only in India and South Asia.
Fourth generation Pokémon, region exclusive
The pink version can be found west of the meridian line and the blue one to the east.
The bird with a musical note for a head is found in the southern hemisphere.
This living flytrap of Venus hangs out in the Southeastern United States.
Find this little gem in North America, South America and Greenland.
Find Mesprit in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India.
And finally, you can find Azelf in the Asia-Pacific region.