DONTNOD Entertainment has upped the stakes by creating multiple endings in the highly anticipated final episode of Life Is Strange 2. In season two, you play as Sean Diaz, a teenage boy who has a younger brother, Daniel, with powers. After the death of their father, they are on the run to Mexico where their father grew up. In Life is Strange 2, you're tasked with guiding and caring for Daniel while trying to teach him how to be a good person. You can have a high or low morality, which will affect the end of the game in the fifth episode.
Unlike the first Life is Strange, there are now seven endings you can get instead of two. Depending on the impact you've had on Daniel throughout the journey, there are The Sweet, Bitter, Heartwarming, Hopeful, or Just Heartbreaking endings. Here are all of the endings and how you can get them. There will be some big spoilers, so read at your own risk.
All Life Is Strange 2 Endings Explained And How To Get Them
This ending is similar to Redemption, but when Sean is released from prison, Lyla will appear instead. The scene will unfold normally, then Lyla will run over to Sean and give him a hug. To get this version of the end of Redemption, you'll need to call Lyla at the end of Episode 1, which is the final choice. You will then have the opportunity to call her back to Sean and Daniel's grandparents. If you didn't call Lyla in the first episode, this option won't be available. If you've always loved Lyla from the start, this is a good way to bring her back to Sean.
lone wolf
For this to happen, you will have to surrender and have a low morality with Daniel. For low morals, you will need to encourage Daniel to steal, swear a lot, be careless, and not care about those he has hurt.
When you choose to surrender, Sean will throw his keys at the car and Daniel will refuse to accept the choice you made. He will use his powers to move the car and cross the police and the FBI to cross the border. Daniel will be happy to tell Sean that they are finally in Mexico, but the latter will be killed after being shot. This will not only traumatize Daniel, but he will grow up in Puetro Lobos as a criminal.
Daniel will organize a memorial for Sean, then meet the gang members who try to attack him. But he will use his powers to defend himself and spare life despite his morals. For all available endings, this is considered bad.
Parting Ways – Sean Alone
Even if you manage to achieve high moral standards for Daniel, you also have the option of crossing the border. If you choose to do so, Sean will start driving and ask Daniel to use his powers to move police cars and officers. Daniel will refuse to use his powers, not wanting to hurt anyone. Once they get close to the border, Daniel will use his powers to move the cars, but he won't go with Sean to Mexico.
Daniel opens the door for Sean, but he will jump out of the car after exiting the door of his car. Instead, he will be captured while Sean is free. After being handcuffed, Daniel will live with his grandparents.
Fortunately, Daniel still remains in contact with Karen and will receive The photos of Sean. This ending can be achieved if Sean hasn't romanticized Cassidy or Finn.
Parting Ways - Sean with Cassidy
This ending will be given if you have high morals and romanticized Cassidy. When Daniel receives mail from Sean, there will be an additional photo of him and Cassidy together in Mexico. To end with Cassidy, you'll have to listen to her song in the second episode when you go Christmas tree shopping with Daniel, Chris and Charles.
In the third episode you will have to get lost with her and the others, have your hair cut by her, let her choose a tattoo for Sean (completely optional), go swimming with her at midnight, kiss her, refuse to heist, and go to his tent. This will affect your fraternity with Daniel and can potentially hurt her if you choose to do nothing when Merrill catches them at his house.
Parting Ways - Sean with Finn
Very similar to the end of Cassidy, Parting Ways will play out if you decide to go love Finn. To get this ending, you'll need to keep him alive, as there's a chance he'll die if you choose to do nothing in episode three's last choice.
To seduce him, you will need to stay awake and have your hair cut. With the group, they will have a conversation about sexuality and Finn will admit that he is pansexual. When asked who Sean swings for, he has the option of saying some boys are cute. Choosing this one will bring Sean closer to Finn.
You will also have to accept the heist and Finn will be happy to hear it. He'll get a little too close to Sean, but you'll have an opportunity to tell Sean feels the same. Then they will kiss and spark a cute romance. Then you will play episode three normally and Finn will end up being injured and taken to the hospital for as long as you use his powers.
Then in the fourth episode, once Sean gets a chance to get out of his room, he will have the option to go to Finn's room if he's alive. If Sean forgives him the theft and makes love to him, Finn will tell him that he loves him and wishes him the best to find Daniel.
Blood brothers
This ending will take you across the border and bring Sean and Daniel to Puerto Lobos. If you haven't surrendered, then Sean will tell Daniel that the Wolf Brothers are getting to the end of the story. Daniel will get out of the car and cause damage to the obstacles in front of them. With his powers, Daniel destroys vehicles and possibly kill everyone in sight.
Six years will pass and the two work in their father's former workshop and meet the gang members. Sean is put at arm's length, but Daniel intervenes and uses his powers to hurt them. They run away and the brothers head for the beach to relax and drink the beers while Sean smokes a cigarette. While low morality forces Daniel to use his powers without any empathy, this ending will put Daniel and his brother first, putting brotherhood before morality.