In the run-up to the launch of the Xbox Series X / S consoles, Microsoft had chosen many different game studios, adding a lot of weight to their proprietary offerings and helping to make Game Pass one of the best subscription services. in the game. Recently, Microsoft launched a bomb, announcing that they had chosen Zenimax, owners of studios like Bethesda, Id Software and Arcane.
Below, you'll find a full list of Microsoft-owned studios and the games they make. It's clear Microsoft plans to put together a powerful and talented collection of studios and developers as they move into the next generation of hardware and the next era of gaming.
Frankly, we expect the list below to continue to grow and will keep it up to date if and when Microsoft announces more studio acquisitions.
- 343 Industries - Halo
- Arcane studios - Disgraced, Deathloop, Proy
- Bethesda Game Studios - Fallout series, Skyrim series
- Constraint games - Contrast and we are happy about it
- Double Fine Productions – Psychonautes, Brutal Legend, Grim Fandango
- Software id – Doom, Wolfenstein, Quake, Rage
- InXile entertainment – Wasteland and Bard’s Tale
- Machine games - takes care of the Wolfenstein series since The New Order in 2014
- Studios Mojang – Minecraft
- Ninja theory - DmC: Devil May Cry, série Hellblade
- Obsidian entertainment - The Outer Worlds, Fallout: New Vegas, Grounded
- Playground Games - Come on Horizons
- Rare - Sea of Thieves, Battletoads, Banjo-Kazooie
- Tango games - The inner evil
- Coalition - Weapons of war
- The initiative - set up in 2018 to work on new first-party projects
- Turn 10 studios - Forza Motorsport
- Undead Laboratories - State of decomposition
- Edge of the world - created in 2019 to develop Age of Empires projects
- Zenimax Studios online – The Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76