We managed to get our hands on the new rpg of Obsidian Entertainment, The Outer Worlds, a title released in 2019 on fixed consoles and then brought to the Nintendo Switch by the guys from Virtuos.
It is easy to see that the developers are still fond of the series of Fallout , in fact, the title maintains strong references to the saga, starting from the graphic style.
But the guys from Virtuos will have managed to maintain a good quality on Nintendo Switch? Find out with us in this review.
An awakening
The game will start after the doctor Phineas Welles, a scientist whose interest is to save the colony of Alcione, there will awaken from our cryogenic cell in which we slept for a long time.
Welles's plan is to awaken the entire crew of the ship, of which we are currently a part, in order to help him save the colony.
In fact the colony of Alcyone, has many problems related to the division into social classes, the higher ones have total control of the whole solar system thanks to some companies, worrying only for themselves and bringing the whole colony towards the destruction.
It is easy to understand what the world of The Outer Worlds is corrupt even in its slums, because of money, bureaucracy and capitalism. In fact we will have to deal with many factions, alliances and more to be able to save Alcione.
A ruthless world
The world immediately presents itself with a varied setting and with some interesting ideas that we will discover with the continuation of the main story and secondary missions.
The strength of the world created by Obsidian is the wealth of the details, even just talking to the people inside the colony we will end up with many secondary missions to do.
Too bad for the lack of an in-depth study of the factions that populate the world, but this is balanced by a good characterization of the characters.
Choices to make
Our character will be able to make many choices during the various dialogues proposed and there will never be a right one to choose. Each of our choices will have a negative consequence that will affect the course of history.
It will be easy to manage the values attributed to statistics, for example, if we put many points in "communication" we will be able to receive more exhaustive answers from the settlers, going to enrich the lore of Alcione.
But of course, you don't have to bet everything on a single branch, because you will often need others to be able to interact with certain social classes.
A world occupied by marauders
Our aim will be to explore a land unknown to us, populated by peaceful and difficult aliens, dominated mainly by animals and marauders.
To be able to face them we will have available four weapons to equip at the same time, they will range from melee weapons, shotguns and pistols.
They will be divided into three sub-categories: weapons read, heavy and to energy. There will also be the possibility of using weapons "Scientific“, Which will have special effects, but will not always be useful against certain enemies.
Speaking of the Gun-Play, we did not find ourselves at ease on Nintendo Switch, often leading us to the impossibility of continuing in the adventure, also due to frame drops which may even make some feel nauseous. We also decided to test it with a Pro controller, but yes he struggled however in the shooting sections, a real shame given the FPS nature of the title.
A port to avoid
Despite talking about a triple A, the Virtuos team managed to mess up the aesthetic beauty of The Outer Worlds, with graphics at times equal to that of PlayStation 2.
We will also add various bugs and graphic defects, we also report a very slow loading of the textures, we hope that these problems will be corrected with a resolutive patch.
If the uploads on the PlayStation 4 version they were already long, here they will be almost doubled, leading the player to wait several seconds before being able to get into the game.
All this is then also accompanied by an unstable frame rate, which in the long run could lead to nausea. Despite everything, we advise you to recover the work in the other versions, so as to be able to venture into the fantastic world of The Outer Worlds.
Another sore point is the graphic quality that in portable mode at 720p 30fps or in dock in 1080p 30fps, will have the same visual effect and the same low quality graphics.
In conclusion
The Outer Worlds manages to be an RPG with aown soul and with excellent quality, despite the port on Nintendo Switch which fails to honor the whole due to the graphics problems and the frame rate too dancing.
We hope that some of these problems can be mitigated with a further corrective patch, given that a 1gb one has been released at d6.
We recommend purchasing on other platforms in order to fully enjoy the title which is confirmed to be a good Fallout alternative.