Tonics are one of the cool features that help spice up the game. Some are aesthetic, while others make the game more or less difficult (with an equal and opposite effect on your Quill gain in levels) and can be found all over the overworld as rewards for exploring and unlocking new areas. While some are easy to find, others are more difficult; therefore, this guide is a work in progress.
1.) Catchee: Offered free of charge by Vendi after a first conversation with her.
2.) Thick skin: In the forest northwest of chapter 6, in an alcove inside a "hidden" path through trees.
3.) More Checkmates: Underground, near the sign south of Vendi. Use the nearby bomb cannon to reveal the entrance, then another to blow up the boulder on the ledge. It's inside.
4.) Less Checkmates: Roll up against the wall inside the shipwreck; it will fall off a shelf.
5.) ???
6.) ICT Tac: Back at the entrance to the Impossible's Lair, set up the bee tents to the ledge above and follow the path that leads north. Only available after collecting a certain number of Beetallions.
seven.) Slo-Mo: To the left of the lake is a Pagie sitting on a tree trunk. Completing his challenge opens a path leading directly to this Tonic.
8.) Tri-Twirl: Rehydrate all the flowers in the area after Chapter 3. Head back to the Chapter 3 entrance and head straight north. Follow the path to the left, then south and go down on the ledge to the right.
9.) Super Buddy Slam: After unlocking the fourth switch in the castle / fort area near Tri-Twirl, the Tonic will drop from the ceiling.
ten.) Super Sonar: In the adjoining area between the fort and the wind tunnel (around Chapter 8, where the three blue gremlins run): Buddy Slam in front of the cage; a key appears immediately, allowing you to open the cage with your prize inside.
11.) ???
12.) Torpedo: Fill the river bed and bomb the sand castle in the part of the world where you unlock the state changes for chapters 15 and 16. Go south and Buddy Stomp near a sand spot. Getting the indication of the sign revealed by the bombardment can tell you exactly where you are having trouble.
13.) Googly eyes: Near the river gate around Chapter 5 (Gasping Glade).
14.) Broken controller: Into Rampo's mouth after bombarding his teeth to release the flow of water needed for Chapter 5's state change.
15.) ???
16.) ???
17.) Drive faster: Thaw the lake and enter the waterfall. Kill all enemies inside to unlock the cage.
18.) ???
19.) Spider-Cham: Grab the bomb bay from the ledge to the south of the Tick… Tock Tonic and throw it at the destructible block directly above the book for Chapter 2. The Tonic is sitting on the floor inside, with the one of the switches needed for Buddy Slam.
20.) H2Go: One of Pagie's final challenges unlocks a switch that grants you access to a chapter. To the right there is a new sector with a bomb bush and destructible blocks that prevent you from continuing; the Tonic is below.
21.) Snow problem: Water the burning berry bush near Nimbo and use it to destroy the brambles nearby. Enter the now accessible area and hit the switch (one of the four you need for the Super Buddy Slam).
22.) It sounds like secrets: Proceed as you would to unlock Chapter 10 Status Change (link above). It's on a shelf at the top of the fireplace.
23.) ???
24.) DUMBASS. Coin Banker: Near Vendi after the first Pagie challenge.
25.) ???
26.) Quill Magnet: Have the cannon fire on the bridge near Shipwreck Creek, then Buddy Stomp on the now lowered bridge.
27.) Quillsplosion: Water the plant north of the entrance to Chapter 11. The tonic will come out. You will need to act quickly and it helps to reverse the conveyor belt first.
28.) Flower time: Where you picked up the Super Sonar, head to the lower entrance on the west side. Push the block as you would to get the second fan part for Fannee, but go up "the stairs" slightly north and head south. It's below (clearly visible from the moment you enter the area).
29.) 4th Tonic Ssslot !: Pay 30 TWIT Trowzer coins for the privilege.
30.) Colors of the res: Use the swings as you would to unlock the state change from Chapter 10. It's on the right side of the area.
31.) Resolution resolution: As above, but on the left.
32.) GB Colors: Break the shipwreck wheel at Shipwreck Creek, then cross the new platform.
33.) Resolution in GB: My mate slams the towels in Shipwreck's cove.
34.) VHS: In the second half of the swing area which contains resolution and resolution colors. Gain momentum on the swing, then roll-jump.
35.) Error: Image of the shipwreck in Shipwreck Creek.
36.) Upside down: In the talking pumpkin-headed guy's fort near the entrance to Chapter 7. Just bump into the wall and it pops out of the shelf. The sign here gives the key to picking up Super Sonar above.
37.) Painted: Underwater near the lighthouse.
38.) Felt tip outline: My buddy slams the shadow of the flag closest to the lake in the Nimbo area.
39. ???
40.) Dot matrix: Enter the area that the fisherman was blocking after talking to him. After leaving the area, jump into the water and swim to the bottom to get the Tonic.
41.) ???
42.) ???
43.) Ombre Stingdom: Go south of the talking pumpkin-headed guy's fort. Follow the path until you see a hidden treasure chest to your left; there is a space hidden in the trees that puts you inside. At the end of the track, just south of this chest, Buddy Stomp and the Tonic will appear. Requires you to have free reign of the forest (defeating the Pagie challenge, solving progression puzzles, etc.).
44.) ???
45.) Yooge Head: Buddy Slam a fern south of Vendi.
46.) Yooman: Directly to the left of the book in chapter 6, under the bridge. You can see smoke burrowing into the ground above the area, although it's not immediately obvious that this is due to a Tonic.
47.) No tail: My friend slams in the upper left corner of the desert area (the part with the sneaky device you use for the pipe "puzzle").
48.) Cartoony: Buddy slams the moving dunes into the lighthouse to reveal a pagie. Complete his challenge and the nearby dock will rise. Save the basket of sharks at the end of the pier by throwing items at them and you will receive a Tonic.
49.) ???
50.) ???
51.) Chameleon Colors: East of Chapter 14 is a few stairs, followed by a bridge. Hit the switch on the bridge and jump into the resulting hole. Solve the simple bomb puzzle inside and slide the crates to lower the Tonic.
52.) Blockbuster movie: On the ledge that opens Chapter 3, Change of State, Buddy slams the right side of the ledge next to the panel.
53.) ???
54.) ???
55.) ???
56.) ???
57.) Sepia film: My friend slams the moving earth next to the talking wind pipe immediately after entering the area.
58.) Black and white film: Reassemble the trunks after completing Chapter 7.
59.) Black Film: To the south of the original map (south of Vendi) is a crate; push it next to the suspect hole in the wall, then reverse the water flow at the switch next to Chapter 2. Go back there, enter the hole, and go through the resulting cavity. You'll come to Shipwreck Creek, and the Tonic is immediately to the south, an easy jump after pushing a crate.
60.) Negative film: In the lower left corner of the secret area; you must first stop the shopping cart.
61.) Kinematic ratio: Around the book of chapter 5. Follow the indications given by the sign on the left.
62.) TV Ratio: Buddy Slam the ground directly behind the sign at Shipwreck Creek. Basically it takes you over 50 quills.
Unknown number: Golden Try: Reward for beating the Impossible Lair without the benefit of the Beetalion (or perhaps at a low threshold / minimum number of bees used). H / T Horheristo who succeeded.