In Warframe, you will need Common Avichaea Tags to rank with the Entrati Syndicate. To get them you will need to focus on keeping the animals on the Cambion Drift on Deimos.
What do you need
To catch the Common Avichaea, you will need to visit Son in the Necralisk and collect some items. First, you will need a Tranq rifle which you can buy for 500 standing. You will also need to purchase an Avichaea Lure from Son for 1000 Standing. The good news is, you don't need pheromones to catch this species of Avichaea, as it's the most common you can find.
How to catch a Common Avichaea
Head over to the Cambion Drift and pull out your Tranq rifle. Switch to the Avichaea Echo decoy so that only these sites appear on the map, then go to one of them. When you get there, find the animal droppings and interact with them, then follow the trail.
When you get to the nest, use the Echo Decoy, then repeat the Avichaea's call and return to the Tranq Rifle. This is where it gets a little awkward, because the common avichaea is a flying animal. This means it appears in the sky, not on the ground. Depending on your position, you may have to climb up to see it, and it won't be the easiest shot to do with the Tranq Rifle. Wait for the Common Avichaea to start hovering somewhere, then hit it with a turn of the tranq. It only takes one to catch this particular animal.
Remember, Warframes with invisibility make it easier to capture animals, as the animal won't know you're there.