In Darksiders Genesis, Creatures are the special items that you will pick up throughout the game. They allow you to improve your heroes' stats and make them more powerful. You can get Creature Hearts by killing enemies. A creature core will drop the first time you kill a new enemy type, and special creature cores can be dropped by bosses and elite enemy monsters.
Killing the same units over and over will result in picking up the same cores, but it will increase the core level. In this way, you can exploit The zones to strengthen your construction. You can also buy The Cores from Vulgrim and earn them in the arena.
Once you reach Vulgrim for the first time, you will be able to access your creature core menu. You can do this from the Pause menu. This will allow you to organize your hearts however you want, but there are a few key points to note.
The creature hearts can be placed in The slots to increase the stats and abilities of the two characters, Strife and War. Each core can improve your health, attack, or anger powers. They can also have their own effect or impact on a skill, such as reducing cooldown or increasing damage dealt by a specific move. Pay close attention to the description of each heart to see exactly what type of effect it has. You can see the full description of a heart by clicking on an empty slot and then selecting the heart from the Available hearts list on the left of the screen.
You also need to be careful about where you insert the cores. The slots will have a specific type and if you match the slot type to the soul type they will have an increased effect. The special cores you receive from The boss can only be inserted into the major creature slots. Since some nuclei are wild type, you can place any nucleus of your choice there.
You can remove the creature hearts and place them in different locations. Adjacent locations will need to have an active core, otherwise they will not be powered. It's best to try out different versions to determine their impact on your characters.