The keeper of the secret
This collectible can be found in the chapter "Like a Mother, Like a Daughter" While playing with Alyson, you will have access to Eddy's bedroom where you will find his closet with a special locked box inside. This box will require a lock to open, so enter the living room and by the window is a small table with a wallet on top. Other items include quarters. Take one and return to the locked box to put the Secret Keeper there.
The old bear
This collector's item can be found in the "Drifting" chapter and can be acquired quite easily. At one point in the chapter, you will have access to Sam's living room where there will be a wooden desk next to the workshop window. Open the desk drawer and The Old Bear will be inside, waiting for you.
La Dame d’or
This latest collector's item can be found in the “Princess and Tiara” chapter as Tyler after entering the loft, you will come across a puzzle that you will need to solve to acquire The Gold Lady. To solve it you have to select the differences that do not appear in the story of the Book of Goblins, like the bush under the Mad Hunter, the princess behind the tree, the castle and the hands of the Mad Hunter. By choosing these, you will unlock a secret compartment where you will find the Golden Lady.
And with that, you should have all of the collectibles hidden in Tell Me Why has to offer, all of which can also be displayed on their altar in the loft. As a reminder, any collectibles you miss can still be acquired in Isolation mode.