Yooka-Laylee and the Den of the Impossible is out right now. You can jump into the game on several different consoles. It's a fun platform, and we've reviewed it, which you can freely read here. As you play the game, there are a handful of secret exits that you are going to find throughout the game. There are four in total, and accessing them is a bit tricky. We'll explain how to contact them in this guide.
Secret Exits to Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Chapter 5
The first secret exit will be found in the second form of Chapter 5, titled Gasping Glade - Grown. Jump into this section and we'll get started.
To reach this exit you have to go through the whole level to get there. You're going to get to the legitimate exit, but you don't want to take it. Instead, you want to go right where you're going to see a toxic pit. You have to wait for the platform to reach you on the left side, then cross to the left. When you do, you'll see a big frog you need to jump on, a dangerous reel to dodge, and then another toad. Duck under the huge rotating blades until the end. You will see the exit there.
Chapter 7
You will have the chance to get this exit when you have completed the first part of Chapter 7. Then you will enter the second part, titled Production Path - Panic.
We wrote how to get this one earlier today. Most of the time, the whole level will present you with a runaway to the left, attempting to pass a vertical purple laser trying to cut yourself in half. You want to keep running until the point where Yooka and Laylee get stuck between two of those lasers on either side. You will find yourself in a part of the level where you are stuck on a rotating platform, slowly pushing to the left. You should see a hatch with the secret exit at the bottom. Go to this hatch and use the Buddy-Slam to access it.
Chapter 14
You won't be able to access another Secret Exit until the game begins, in Chapter 14. You'll want to complete the first section in the traditional way, and then return to Chapter 14, Hazard Hanger, after your first walk.
Just like Chapter 5, you are going to go to the end of the level for this secret exit. You'll know you're getting there when you see the original exit, as you're supposed to jump from the net to the platform. Rather than jumping, stick with it, and you'll get caught. Avoid the spinning box and jump to the next platform where there is a crate with a feather. Open the box, take the blue feather, then take the respective golden feathers that it pulls. Once you're done grabbing them, the secret exit opens for you.
Chapter 16
The last secret exit can be found in Chapter 16, the Queasy Quay - Climb level. This is the second form of the first chapter.
You have to go through most of the level to the final area. There you will climb onto the platforms with several large metal boxes slamming. Continue to climb the boxes avoiding the fire and waiting for the boxes to make their way. Three sets of boxes should clear the path until you get to the top. On the right side, enter a green metal tube then walk towards the wooden platform. It should drop, clearing the previously blocked path for you. Roll forward, and you should enter a green pipe on the other side.
However, if you're not quick enough, a small metal box filled with golden quills will block your way. Unless you can time perfectly, you'll want to use the Slow Mo tonic to switch to the other side. This tonic should make timing easier. After crossing the other side, you should see the secret exit above a box.
These are the four secret exits of Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.