Since the dawn between the two IT giants, Microsoft and Apple, there has always been a clash. Also: better a personal computer or buy a Mac? This is the question that has always dragged its echo in the air. Without a doubt, these are two different products, both performing but designed for different uses. Today we will go to see together which is the most suitable for our use.
It is known by now that there are no absolute winners in these challenges but we will try, as objectively as possible, to analyze the various types of uses that can be made of it.
Preliminary information
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The Personal Computer
Personal Computer usually refers to any type of computer that suits the needs of a single user. These days usually for Personal Computer we mean any terminal with Windows or Linux operating system. We will take Windows as an example, because despite the numerous criticisms it continues to receive, it is certainly the most widespread and easiest to use operating system.
As often happens in the world of technology, it was an in your language company that pioneered this field, to be precise Olivetti. In fact, it was in 1957 that he presented his Elea 9003. The progenitor of today's computers, however, was light years away from what we mean by PC.
Almost 40 years had to pass for the mass diffusion of these devices in the homes of many families. The first computers were in fact extremely expensive and not at all functional at home. It was Microsoft, with its family operating systems Windows, to be first known by the general public. It will in fact be in the first half of the 90s, especially after Windows 95, that more and more people will decide to buy a Personal Computer.
From then on there will be an unstoppable spread. Going through the various versions of the operating system, up to the present day, the characteristics of PCs are constantly evolving. It increases the computing power, the memory, the graphics that become almost real. All at an affordable cost to almost everyone and for the most varied uses.
Macs and the Steve Jobs footprint
We all know Apple and Steve Jobs, I don't think they need any introduction. The IT giant has always been Microsoft's direct rival, often following very different paths. The first product that was introduced by Apple was Lisa, which went on sale in 1983 for the modest sum of $ 9996.
In reality this model was not very successful, and Steve Jobs began to follow the project more closely Macintosh. The next model was the 128 k, which through a really simple and attractive graphic interface even for the layman managed to catalyze the attention of the general public towards itself.
From there until modern times, Apple's success in the computer industry was truly tremendous. This brand has always stood out for the care it puts into the design and manufacture of its products. From the design that is always elegant and refined, to the performance of the operating system which is always optimized in a workmanlike manner. The only "flaw" of Macs remains the price, significantly higher than computers with Windows on board.
Computer Windows vs Mac: i costi
Let's start by analyzing the aspect towards which the average user is usually more attentive: the price of the device.
For leisure and navigation ...
Are you looking for a computer to use in your free time, to edit files and view multimedia content at a low enough price? Get it out of your head to buy a Mac.
There are no low-end or even mid-range Apple computers to be precise. The models sold are relatively few and always with a flagship hardware equipment. For Windows products, however, the situation is different. Above all on the net it is possible to assemble a good Personal Computer at a cost less than half that of a Mac.
Already with figures around 400€ in fact we can take home a decent PC that does its job in a dignified manner.
As for the iMac, however, the least expensive model exceeds the 1000€, a figure that not all users are willing to spend.
For playing
The speech changes significantly if you want to buy a computer to play. In this case the prices rise considerably, even if we can say that at prices lower than 1000€ it is however possible to have a good gaming PC with important technical characteristics. From the point of view of price, the victory certainly goes to Personal Computers with Windows because they are able to embrace all ranges of use, not just the most expensive ones.
Mac users have always claimed that the products they use are safer and more reliable. There is a good deal of truth in this statement. In fact, Apple computers are not hardly ever prone to viruses or malware and their duration over time is certainly greater than the Windows counterpart. The on-board operating system is also heavily optimized. Thanks to the few models produced, in fact, the hardware / software compatibility is much greater than a computer with the Microsoft operating system on board, exactly as it happens between Android smartphones and iPhones.
Conversely, after the disaster that occurred with the release Millennium Edition, buggy and unstable, system stability has improved significantly from Windows 7 onwards.
The security side has also made good progress. The integrated suite of the operating system has in fact become acceptable. In addition, more and more antivirus offer a lite version that allows you to have the basic features for free, with constantly updated databases. However, all this does not solve the problem.
Macs can actually be said to be safer and more durable than the competition, with a much lower percentage of malfunctions. This feature partially justifies the higher price and puts the situation in balance.
Easy to use
In most cases all of us have had to deal with a Windows computer at least once. The graphical interface is really simple and intuitive for most of the operations, it is certainly familiar. However, many have turned up their noses with the introduction of the Metro interface starting from Windows 8. Although it is comfortable on 2-in-1 PCs with a touch screen, when brought back to a traditional desktop it can really be frustrating to use.
This factor has thankfully been revised with Windows 10.
As for Macs, certainly not everyone has touched their interface firsthand. The operating system is much more refined from the graphical point of view, pleasant and fluid. It is almost impossible that with Mac you will encounter lag or micro lag (i.e. system slowdowns). However, this is not an indicator of ease of use.
In fact, if we analyze the programs available for Apple computers, we will certainly find a more limited number, even if well done compared to Windows. In favor of Microsoft's operating system, on the other hand, we have a truly remarkable user friendliness especially for basic operations and for the configuration of system tools. Windows is then much more customizable and modelable according to personal needs.
On the other hand, the trend of Apple continues in this field, which keeps its operating systems as closed and hardly modifiable interfaces.
However, it remains certain that the affinity with the use and the graphical interface of an operating system is a purely subjective factor. In fact, both systems are in their own way easy to use, which is why this round ends in a draw between Windows and Mac computers.
If we are looking for a laptop, we often already have a desktop computer available. What we need is a simple and light device to use on the move and that allows us to take advantage of the most common program suites. In this case, notebooks are definitely the right choice for us. Available for all price ranges, they allow us to also choose a low-end model, with decent hardware well below 500€. On the other hand, MacBooks are purely high-end devices, designed for continuous use and which allow us to carry out all the operations feasible with a fixed PC.
The price in this case is high: it takes at least 1029€ to buy the 11 "MacBook Air, which turns out to be the least expensive model.
Just as with the desktop computer counterpart with PCs from other manufacturers, we have much more choice. You can start with a Chromebook, which exploits Chrome OS and is designed for use on the move without having an exaggerated cost and then move on to Ultrabook.
This type of notebook is in direct competition with MacBooks, for build quality, design and performance that can be even higher. Due to the wide range of choices, therefore, laptops moved by alternative operating systems compared to MacOs are able to meet the needs of many more users. This does not mean that Apple products guarantee excellent quality and optimization, but are to be chosen only if the use you make of them binds you to them.
If we take a Mac and a Personal Computer for the same price, the second will almost certainly have much greater power. This is mainly due to the price difference. If you can build a PC yourself you will have much higher performance margins. With i 1400€ necessary to buy an iMac we can buy a top-of-the-range desktop computer, which allows us to take advantage of all the programs and games available on the market. In fact, a Mac is not designed for gaming. Although there are some titles that are also quite famous, gaming remains a prerogative of PCs.
The speech changes if we talk about the reactivity of the system. A Mac indeed, thanks to the deep optimization, manages to be extremely fluid in use. There are no uncertainties or obstacles. The difference in performance is therefore not reflected in everyday use. If your priority is gaming, there is no doubt: you must necessarily focus on a Windows computer. Only in this way will you have the opportunity to play all the available titles without problems and with excellent graphic details.
I programs
Anyone who has some experience with both systems knows very well that apart from the programs available for both, their uses are decidedly different. Macs are now famous for the quality of some categories of programs:
- Graphics
- Design
- Music
- Video
There are no rivals in these fields. If the use you want to make is one of these, choose an Apple product with your eyes closed. As for Personal Computers, there are certainly better programs for productivity and document editing, in addition to the gaming part that we have already covered. Again, no absolute winner emerges. The choice depends on what we want to do with our computer.
Repairs and upgrades
If a component breaks or we just want to upgrade, what are the pros and cons? PCs have always been fairly simple to take apart. All components are located inside the case and are mounted on the motherboard. Taking them out and replacing them is relatively quick and easy. Furthermore, the possibilities of mixing between the various pieces are practically infinite, with very few compatibility problems.
An iMac, on the other hand, is very different in terms of assembly. All components are integrated into the back of the screen. This makes it much more compact, but in the event of an intervention, the room for maneuver is very narrow and it is not always easy to replace a part. The costs for repairs must also be considered, which are considerably higher.
As we have just seen, PCs and Macs are similar products in terms of components but very distant in terms of use. In principle, both products are very functional and reliable. Performance is also good in both cases. What most differentiates Mac and Personal Computer is the freedom of choice.
If with an iMac we will always have a performing product but not very accessible in terms of price, with a Windows or Linux PC we can choose. The price, the components, the performances, the dimensions and a thousand other specifications will in fact be what we want. For this reason, unless your work or your passions bind you to the Apple world, by choosing a PC you will give up little to have many advantages.
We close our article here hoping to have clarified all your doubts. If you still have questions or clarifications to do, leave your comment in the box below.
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