Computers are very powerful business tools, but like any other piece of technology, they also need maintenance and cleaning. In particular, Windows PCs have built-in options that can manage the hardware disk, but for some operations, an external program developed by a third party may be much more functional.
In this guide we will therefore list the best ones, capable of eliminating junk files, cleaning the RAM memory, running partitions, optimizing the space available in memory and other different operations.
Advanced SystemCare
Let's start with a very simple but equally functional software. Advanced SystemCare by IObit is a very useful and free tool for the removal of junk files and optimization of available memory space. Obviously, everything that will be removed can no longer be recovered in any way.
EASEUS Partition Master
EaseUS is one of the best known companies in the field of disk optimization. In particular, the “Partition Master” software allows, in a totally free and simple way, to manage and create partitions (both on hard disk and SSD) on Windows. Other to the creation, however, there are also very useful tools for the maintenance and cleaning of each partition created.
Macrorit Disk Scanner
For those who want to find and remove errors on the disk there is Macrorit Disk Scanner. The latter will act in a similar way to the one already present by default on Windows “Scan disk”while offering a clearer interface focused on viewing green (healthy) and red (damaged) areas. Of course, in addition to scanning, he can try to fix the problem.

Let's continue now with a program dedicated to hard disk and SSD scan. In fact, HDDScan offers the execution of tests on the performance of the disk, reporting the state of wear, any problems and some advice on replacement in case of damage.

Windows Directory Statistics
Windows Directory Statistics is a very simple software capable of offering a list of all documents, programs, folders and files present in the PC through a display sorted by memory space occupied. Excellent to understand which are the heaviest elements and possibly remove them.
In the event that, for any reason, "EaseUS Partition Master" and "Advanced SystemCare" are not available or too complicated to use, we recommend very good alternatives to try.
- Macrorit Partition Expert: alternative to “EaseUS Partition Master” and developed by the same manufacturers of “Macrorit Disk Scanner”. Software designed for the creation, management and maintenance of partitions on Windows
- ZEROFILL: program dedicated to disk cleaning and, in particular, to the optimization of free memory space. Perfectly replaces "Advanced SystemCare".
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