Windows 5003214 update KB10 that Microsoft has just deployed causes problems in the taskbar: some icons no longer display or overlap, making it difficult to launch applications or shortcuts to Windows modules , in particular that related to network management. The culprit has been identified, you are told how to solve the problem in a few seconds.
Available for the updates of 21H1 (May 2021), 20H2 (October 2021) and 2004 (May 2021), l'update KB5003214 de Windows 10 was optionally deployed last week. Since its release, several users have raised concerns related to the taskbar of the Microsoft operating system.
Thus, some icons suddenly disappear, or are displayed in cascade with respect to each other. In some cases, it is even the network manager that is no longer displayed. At issue: the new option to display news and weather directly from the taskbar.
Since the update, Windows 10 displays a bugged taskbar
Following Windows 5003214 update KB10, a user explains that its taskbar is full of invisible icons or which overlap with respect to each other. Some users report that the icons on the taskbar move randomly or hide. Finally, for some, it is the notification center or even the icon used to manage the network who have disappeared.
The good news is that the origin of the problem seems to have been identified: the culprit is none other than the new function. News and fields of interest. If the Redmond publisher hasn't released a patch yet, there are two ways to fix the problem.
How to fix Windows 5003214 update KB10 and taskbar issue
To correct the taskbar display problems, two solutions are available to you. First, you can simply uninstall the KB5003214 update. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Simultaneously press the keys [Windows] + [I], in order to display the module Parameters
- Then go to Update and security, And then Windows Update > View update history
- Click on Uninstall updates. There you should find the update KB5003214 as in the screenshot below. All you have to do is double-click on the update in question to remove it from the system.
If you want to keep the update in question, there is another even easier way to fix the taskbar problem. To do this, simply deactivate the News and fields of interest function as follows:
- Right-click on the taskbar
- Head on News and fields of interest
- Check the option deactivate
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