Little by little, Microsoft is getting rid of its old software. Some time ago, it was the Screenshot tool that tended to be replaced by the powerful Capture & Sketch application. Today, the Paint and WordPad applications are becoming optional.
If Microsoft tried in 2021 to replace its ancestral Paint application within Windows by Paint 3D, the company has ultimately never succeeded in imposing the idea. Paint is still present in the latest stable version of Windows 10, the 1903. But Paint, just like WordPad, are they still going to disappear one day? This is what we can think of when we dwell on the changes in the new beta of the operating system, which will be released early next year.
Microsoft to say goodbye to Paint and WordPad, two of its oldest applications
When you read the log of the latest news from Windows 18980 Build 10, you will find mentions about Cortana, Linux support for ARM64 or the possibility of accessing additional features from the Settings module. But Microsoft explains that it “converted MS Paint and WordPad into optional functions”. According to the company's blog, the goal is to save disk space.
Paint and WordPad become optional because they take up too much space? Not sure that Microsoft's justification holds up, when we know that the Paint executable weighs 1 MB (okay, there are also the associated dlls, but their occupation on the hard disk is derisory and is located at less than 5 to 10 MB according to our estimates). Same fight for WordPad, whose “use” directory is less than 5 MB on the disk.
The problem probably lies elsewhere: the outdated design and functionality of the two programs certainly have something to do with it. Still, if Paint is easily replaceable by Paint 3D, there is still no equivalent to WordPad among the applications offered by default under Windows 10. Unless Microsoft upgrades its notebook, which the developers have already started a few months ago? But for now, the functionality of Notepad is still a far cry from those of WordPad.
Source: Microsoft
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