In everyday (computer) life it is not so common to come across a Windows 10 Enterprise license; this, mainly, for two reasons: the first is certainly the cost, the second is that it is a version of the operating system mainly dedicated to companies which, at least in appearance, does not differ much from its sister Pro.
Apparently, in fact: there are in fact a series of features present only and exclusively in Windows 10 Enterprise (and, consequently, Windows 10 Educational) which could also be useful in less complex scenarios of a large company.
They could, in fact, because in most home scenarios you can't find their usefulness unless you are an advanced user.
However, there is a lot of curiosity: what are the features that Windows 10 Enterprise and Educational have, and all the other editions of Windows 10 don't? Let's find out some of them!
Preliminary information
We always recommend doing an installation through one 100% genuine and original license, this is to avoid data loss or hacker attacks. We are aware that purchasing a license on the Microsoft store has a high cost. For this we have selected for you Mr Key Shop, a reliable site with free assistance specialized in in your language, secure payments and shipping in seconds via email. You can check the reliability of this site by reading the many positive verified reviews. Windows 10 licenses are available on this store at very advantageous prices. Furthermore, if you want to upgrade to the latest versions of Windows operating systems, you can also purchase the upgrade to Windows 11. We remind you that if you have a genuine version of Windows 10, the upgrade to the new Windows 11 operating system will be free. Also on the store you can buy the various versions of Windows operating systems, Office packages and the best antivirus on the market.
Windows To Go
This is a feature that “live” lovers would like to see everywhere. Basically Windows To Go allows you to installare Windows 10 Enterprise on a USB pendrive, with the ability to boot from any machine - as long as it meets the system requirements, of course.
Basically something very similar to Linux live distributions, and very useful especially for those who work on the move.
Too bad that Microsoft has mainly thought about the BYOD approach and has limited this functionality to the Enterprise and Educational versions of Windows 10, exactly as it had already done for Windows 8.
For the record, it must be said that Windows To Go is also available on Windows 10 Professional but, to create the system image, an Enterprise ISO will be required.
No way!
The LTSB update mode
As everyone knows, Microsoft has decided to make the installation of updates mandatory in Windows 10 Home (CB) and postponed for a fixed time in Windows 10 Professional (CBB). In Windows 10 Enterprise and Educational you can choose to don't install updates at all for Windows features, limited to security patches only.
This typical mode of Enterprise and Education is commonly known as LTSB and, for all the details, we refer you to our in-depth guide!
This would be more convenient in shared "home" PCs, complete with parents who are obsessed with controlling their children. Nothing to do, it's just for Enterprise!
Basically it is a safety feature that allows the system administrator di set rules su who can use what; basically it is about setting up a whitelist for each account on the PC, which defines exactly the apps that user can use.
It is actually possible to create AppLocker policies even in Windows 10 Professional but the operating system will happily ignore them.
For us mere mortals, however, there is always parental control on Windows 10.
The virtual environments App-V and Ue-V
Initially available as separate downloads and incorporated into the system starting from the Anniversary Update, App-V are two different virtualization levels exclusive to Windows 10 Enterprise / Edu.
The first is a server that allows administrators to isolate applications in containers; these applications, thanks to a client (local or remote), can be run in a restricted environment without these being installed "normally" in the server system.
The second, however, allows users to save programs and system state in a virtual environment, which can be captured by any other company PC.
Device Guard e Credential Guard
Still talking about virtualization and security, these two features - albeit different - are closely linked. They are exclusive to Windows 10 Enterprise / Education and are completely absent from Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.
The first, which relies on hardware features such as VT-x (Intel) and AMD-V (AMD), causes the operating system to run only applications authorized by the company for which they were created code integrity policies. In other words, an efficiency shield "superior" to what a common antivirus can offer, designed to avoid threats and problems related to security.
The second, on the other hand, tends to isolate the "secret" information stored in the PC - for example the user account and the network login -, so that these can be read only and exclusively by the system software.
Some criteria of group policies
You may have missed it, but starting with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, some group policy policies have become exclusive to Windows 10 Enterprise / Educational. For example the possibility of block the installation of apps from the store or, again, the Windows suggestions, just to name two.
It is a widely used technology for optimize WAN performance in case of data exchange between client and server. When a client PC in a given branch accesses content on remote servers, BranchCache copies it from them and caches it at the client. From that moment, all other clients belonging to the same branch will be able to access the content by fetching the copy contained in the cache and not necessarily from the remote server, in order to optimize the bandwidth.
This is a system feature that allows remote users to securely access file shares, websites and applications on an internal network without connecting to a virtual private network, using an Intranet instead, and in fully automatic way. Something similar to a VPN but without manual connection intervention, in short.
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