The Sea of Thieves is home to various characters from around the world. One notable you may have met is Merrick, the founder of The Hunter's Call company. They first arrived as a way to provide guidance to players looking to find out where to find and fight a Megalodon while updating the content for Hungering Deep. He has three newspapers that you can find all over the sea, and you can visit these places to read his thoughts and accomplish some accomplishments.
Shark Bait Cove (H-19)
The first log you can find is on Shark Bait Cove. It's hard to miss because you find it right in the center of the island. The center features a black shark sanctuary, and the book should be leaning against it.

Reaper's Hideout (I-12)
Previously, this location was Killer Whale Island, where Merrick crashed his ship, and players had to move it to collect his journal. Now Reaper's trading company has taken it over and is now using the bones of Merrick's ship as a base of operations. You can find the log on the island adjacent to the hideout, next to the additional ship wreckage.

Unexplored Island (N-13)
The last newspaper you can find is near The Reaper's Hideout, but it's underwater. You have to locate an underwater cave to reach the location. It's on tile N-13. Navigate in the middle of your boat, anchor it and dive into the water. You want to locate a large wreck under the waves. On the east side of the wreck is an entrance, and if you swim through it, it leads to a cave. On the table in front of a large wooden statue is Merrick's last journal.